
I just tried the AO-73 pass at 0411 UTC.  Lots of stations across 
the transponder, some in CW, but mostly in SSB.  This was a 
low pass for me here in Arizona, up to a maximum elevation of 
11 degrees, with the first few degrees covered up by mountains 
toward my east and northeast.  Despite all of that, my two 
FT-817NDs and Elk log periodic were able to work two stations 
in SSB - Wyatt AC0RA in Iowa, and Doug KD8CAO in Michigan.
Thanks for the QSOs!  

I will attempt the next pass to the west coast, around 0545 UTC 
(going from memory - my iPod with tracking app is with the radios
out in the yard), hoping to hear more than my own voice on the 
transponder.  :-)   I will probably try to use my TH-F6A HT as the
downlink receiver in place of one of my FT-817NDs, to see how it
performs with this downlink.  I may also adjust my transmit power
from 5W down to 2.5W or even 1W, to see how that sounds.  



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