I tried the modified make commandline, but I still got errors about the
sys/param.h....  but I did some deeper research and found an analog port
for OS/390 at:


All their links are old, there's no documentation, and they only host
version 3.0 of analog, but it's there!
It's the Unix Systems Services tools and toys page.

My experience went like this:
-- IBM provides the binaries for USS( compress -d analog.tar.Z; tar -xvf
--You run install.sh, which went clean.
 --It wants to live in /usr/local/analog. (you can move it there after the
install like I did)
-- You need to construct an analog.cfg file to (minimally) redirect the
output to a file (contents: OUTFILE /root /myWebDir/Analog_reports.html).

Documentation would be nice because I don't know how it was configured in
the anlghea* files, so I'm having to do some back-peddling to figure it
out.   Thanks to analog.cx for hosting old manuals for people working with
cutting-edge IBM mainframe technology!

Anyway, I have analog which makes me happy.  Maybe one day the boys and
girls at IBM will update it, and I'll be even happier!



                    Stephen Turner                                                     
                    <analog-author@lists.        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
                    isite.net>                   cc:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                    Sent by: Stephen             Subject:     Re: [analog-help] Analog 
on OS/390 Unix Systems Services???  
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                               
                    02/21/2002 06:51 AM                                                
                    Please respond to                                                  
                    Stephen Turner                                                     

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is there anyone running analog on OS/390's native "Unix Systems
> (This is not Linux on S/390, though often I wish it were!)  I tried
> the source code and ran into error after error.   I'm no C genius. I
> in the towel when I got datatype inconsistency messages. I'll paste the
> errors onto this message, but from a broader perspective, has anyone
> this to work on USS??


Sorry for the slow reply. I'm just catching up with a backlog of mail.

There used to be a port for OS/390, but I've lost touch with the person who
made it. I don't really know about this platform, but I think I can help

> *****************
> cc -O2  -DUNIX -c alias.c
> WARNING CBC3296 ./anlghea3.h:258   #include file <sys/param.h> not found.
> FSUM3065 The COMPILE step ended with return code 4.

You can avoid the inclusion of <sys/param.h> by defining NOFOLLOW in the
Makefile. See the documentation in the Makefile about that.

This will also leave out these lines which you were having trouble with:

> ERROR CBC3068 ./globals.c:1150  Operation between types "int" and "void*"
> is not
>  allowed.
> ERROR CBC3068 ./globals.c:1155  Operation between types "int" and "void*"
> is not
>  allowed.

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK
"This is Henman's 8th Wimbledon, and he's only lost 7 matches." BBC,

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