hello analog people,

I wrote a couple weeks or so ago asking about how I could parse various
logfile formats, to load into a data warehouse.  I wasn't a very good C
programmer so I picked up Perl to do this, and that helped me understand the
C expression matching logic actually.  My perl script matches on all the
fixed log formats that Stephen matches on, and then writes the following to
a new file :

1.  a header column : for example: Host Ident Authuser TimeDate Protocol
RequestedFile HTTP Code Bytes ReferrerSite Browser

2.  each line of the logfile parsed according the the example fields above

* the script does not match netscape, webstar, or eclf formats

So, like I said I'm not sure how useful other would find this (some might
say its pretty simple).  I was using it as the prelude to loading each field
of data in a logfile, into tables within a data warehouse for historical
storage and clickstream analysis.  Analog is great, but I wanted to keep the
level of data as low as possible, no sums or aggregations needed.

I got sidetracked and stopped working on it the other day and so don't have
any functionality in this program for parsing out SessionIDs from a URL
header (which would be cool) etc.  Email if you would like me to send you a



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