I haven't checked this case yet, but, Nice to know this interesting
information from you! Thanks.

On Jun 25, 2:45 pm, Hongster <expertle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I have found a bug in the NoteEdit class. The bug lies in the
> "outState.putLong(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID, mRowId);" statement in
> onSaveInstanceState() method.
> When a new note is created the mRowId is null. If the application is
> terminated while user is editing a new note, an uncaught
> NullPointerException will be thrown because an null parameter is
> passed into outStat.putLong().
> To reproduce the bug:
> 1. Launch Notepadv3 application.
> 2. Press the "Menu" key.
> 3. Select "Add Note".
> 4. Press the "Home" key to terminate application.
> I think it can be solved by replacing the statement with saveState().

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