
I am attempting to use use a SimpleCursorTreeAdapter to display to two
tables (Parent, Child) in a
sqlite database.  When I extend the SimpleCursorTreeAdapter I pass it
a cursor referencing all
of the root group nodes to be displayed, which is currently display
correctly. Yet, I am confused over
how to use the getChildrenCursor method.

I initially thought I should return a cursor referencing a table
containing the root node id (_id) and the
child nodes corresponding text (description), yet when doing so it
displays all the child nodes text
under each root node.

Is the getChildrenCursor method the only function required for
displaying child nodes? If so, is there
a particular format (i.e. columns) that are required to properly
display child nodes appropriately?

Below is a brief example of what I am attempting to do:

Table: parent (_id int, name text)
           [ 1, "George Washington"], [2, "Franklin Roosevelt"]

Table: child (_id int, name text)
          [ 1, "Augustine Washington"], [2, "Anna Roosevelt"], [3,
"John Roosevelt"]

The above tables should be displayed as:
+ George Washington
       - Augustine Washington
+ Franklin Roosevelt
       -Anna Roosevelt
       -John Roosevelt

Yet is displayed as:
+ George Washington
       - Augustine Washington
       -Anna Roosevelt
       -John Roosevelt
+ Franklin Roosevelt
       - Augustine Washington
       -Anna Roosevelt
       -John Roosevelt

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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