I've been working through Hello, Android and Ed Burnette dealt with
this issue in a screen.

I had a file (in this case) main.xml in the res/layout folder. I made
a new folder in res called layout-land and made a new main.xml there.
What happens when you alter the orientation (Ctrl F11 in emulator) is
that the layout-land versions (or the regular versions) of the
appropriate .xml files are accessed. I should think that the rotation
change would precipitate an invalidate() and this would do a redraw of
the whole screen.

On Aug 10, 9:00 am, Bholu <pkanani.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have started to develop android application for QVGA Screen. My
> Application has to create new dialog box, but It was not looking great
> while my application was running in QVGA-P Mode.
> My question is that How can we change dialog box orientation when Its
> created?
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