Hi there. I'm just looking into getting into Android development. My Java skills are modest, but I have extensive C/C++/Obj-C experience, and have done development of iPhone applications, so I understand the conceptual issues.

In learning to use the Android SDK, I took as an "intro" project wanting to build an application to view multiple images. Much like a Gallery object does, in concert with a ImageSwitcher, which I see in the API Demos application. However, my concept didn't have a pre-set image list, nor thumbnails.

So, just in "Take n images, obtained from somewhere (WWW, most likely), and allow the user to switch through them" terms, I started looking at ImageSwitcher, as it seemed good. But, it's not clear to me how to control it without some other class, such as Gallery. Although, if I could bind a swipe control directly to an ImageSwitcher, it might suffice.

Looking at ViewSwitcher, however, shows that it might do what I want. If I understand correctly, I could implement a ViewFactory that would produce the "correct" next image. Since I want to switch between N images, and ViewSwither only handles two.

If I'm headed down the wrong path, I'd be happy to be told so. Otherwise, any suggestions as to whether a ViewSwitcher.ViewFactory can be used in this way would help. I suppose I'm just looking for a validity check from people who know more than I.

Thanks. Sorry for a newbie-ish question, but it is a beginners list after-all. :-)

              - Chris

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