On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 10:13 AM, sammiwei wrote:
> On the official site,
> http://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_reference.html#billing-interface
> it is said: getSkuDetails() returns a price as "Formatted price of the item,
> including its currency sign. The price does not inc
Yes. I built my own copy of the SdkController app and managed to track
down the bug.
The problem was (and presumably still is) that a string in the protocol
being sent from the emulator to the app was being corrupted with four
leading zero bytes. I didn't investigate the emulator code, but m
On the official site,
it is said: getSkuDetails() returns a price as "Formatted price of the
item, including its currency sign. The price does not include tax."
I want to have some clarifications:
1. the p
I wrote a home app to lock down my main app.
Any time the home button is pressed, the home
app just launches the main app.
My main app uses the zxing barcode scanner app
when a button is pressed. I can permanently
cripple zxing by doing this:
1) Press 'scan' button in my app.
2) Scanner pops up
It seems like there are two questions there:
*What is the difference between Inclusive and Exclusive?*
I believe inclusive counts the time in sub-methods that are called from a
given method.
So, if A calls B, then inclusive will count the time spent in B. But
exclusive does not.
Or as
To which vulnerability are you referring..?
The ability to decompile an app depends on how good your decompiler is.
On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Abhijit Potdar wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am a penetration tester. Currently i am working on mobile application
> security project. I De-compile
Ya, it is out of data and, there are no detailed information "How
to analysis or Where is bottleneck"
2012년 9월 27일 목요일 오전 4시 21분 56초 UTC+2, Roger.Yi 님의 말:
> RT,I got some information form this article :
> http://developer.android.com/tools/debugging/debugging-tracing.html, but
> seems it is
Please click the ? icon, it will lead you to help section,
if still unable to figure out, that means i need to update the help section to
be more understandable
Anyways here it goes, in the game you're given a shuffled equations.
In the game you would be given something like this. 1=33+10
and y
Timer task does not need to be an inner class.
Afaik, no one can make a class that neds to be inner.
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Hi All,
I am a penetration tester. Currently i am working on mobile application
security project. I De-compiled the application using some
open source tools and got a access for source code. Just want to know what
would be remediation to patch this vulnerability and can
we De-compile every appli
I couldn't figure out how to play, but it looks cool.
On Monday, March 25, 2013 7:33:13 AM UTC-5, keken wrote:
> Please Try my new game.
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.keken.equation
> Thanks guys.
You received this message because you are subsc
You haven't found it, because it doesn't exist :-)
When the OS or a 3rd party app kills your process, it *kills* it
forcefully. And if your app's process is killed your app no longer runs and
obviously can't process any callbacks/lifecycle-events, etc.
On Sunday, March 24, 2013 3:47:17 AM UTC-
Please Try my new game.
Thanks guys.
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Il giorno domenica 24 marzo 2013 23:49:40 UTC+1, Kostya Vasilyev ha scritto:
> If I were to guess, I'd say there might be a thread race issue
I suppose a race issue too but usually race issues are random, in this case
with 2.3.6 it always works with galaxy it always not work (apart with
The Skinny on the S4′s Hardware
The S4 handset is a lighter, sleeker upgrade from Samsung’s Galaxy S3,
coming it at 0.31-inches thick, compared to the 0.34 inches on the S3. And
while isn’t a major difference, the S4 is a whole 0.1 ounces lighter than
its predecessor. With a 5-inch screen, the
Duh, i wasn't talking about that. He seems to imply that letters with
accents = unicode, which is not true. He can build his dictionary using
ASCII and still support accents.
On Monday, March 25, 2013 8:23:25 AM UTC+2, Zsolt Vasvari wrote:
> P.S - letters with accents can be unicode as well
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