HI Everyone,

I'm having trouble successfully launching my activity properly form a
Notification or Widget. Firstly let me explain how I am handling my
activities (for all I know it could be the completely wrong way to
handle activities, in which case I'll change it, but it works for the
most part)

I have a Main.class Activity, that doesn't have any layout associated
with it. It is what is launched when the application is launched. In
the onCreate method (which I have overridden), I read from
SharedPreferences to determine if the user is logged in or not. If
they aren't logged in, Main will then use startActivityForResult() to
launch Login.class. If they are logged in, it will launch (for
example) Details.class.

In both Login.class and Details.class, I have overridden
onBackPressed() which uses setResult(-1) and then finish()'s the
activity. I have overridden the onReceive() method in Main.class, and
if it recieves -1, it will finish() that activity as well. This makes
the back button work as expected (you shouldn't be able to use the
back button to get from Details.class to Login.class, as there's a
dedicated logout button for that. Having the back button log the
person out isn't what I want.)

Firstly, if this is the completely wrong way to launch the UI and
handle activities, let me know (I suspect it may be,) and I'll change
it so that Login.class is what get's launched, and it will launch
Details.class if the user is already logged in.

The problem that I have is this: if I start the Main.class activity
from either a Widget or Notificaton using PendingIntent like so:

Intent intent = new Intent ( context , Main.class );
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0,
intent, 0);

It will launch it as expected. But it will launch another instance. If
I press the back button from the newly launched Activity, it will
close the current Activity, but it will then display the old Activity
(that may not have been killed by Android yet) that has been brought
to the front. So it goes something like this:

Details screen displayed -> Back Pressed -> Old details screen
displayed -> Back pressed -> Home is displayed (or whatever activity
was running)

Obviously it looks poorly coded if pressing back doesn't really do
anything, you have to do it twice (if the user keeps launching from
the widget, it can be how ever many times they have launched it + 1 ).
I'm guessing it's partly because it is poorly coded, but I don't know
what I need to do to fix it. Does anyone have any suggestions on the
best way to solve this? I've looked into bringing the current activity
to the front, but I can't seem to find any way of doing that.


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