I'm looking for a way to disable word prediction from application
code, but haven't had any luck so far. Found this thread on it:
Can anyone here shed any light on this issue? In particular, are IMEs
required to adhere to the flags I give it via setInputType(i
I have an EditText in my application where it never makes sense to use
word prediction. Most IMEs have a setting to enable or disable word
prediction, but is there any way I, as an application programmer, can
have control over the mechanism? Can I disable word prediction
manually/temporarily, indep
I have a text box (EditText) in my application, where it never makes
sense to use word prediction (in fact, it interferes with my own
functionality, in different ways depending on the IME). Is there a way
for me as an application programmer to tell the IME not to use word
prediction, even though it
d into the EditText box. This works as expected on all other
devices we've tested.
/ Linus
On 3 Feb, 15:11, LinusOnline wrote:
> THanks for the tip, Kostya! No I had not considered that. Will look
> into it.
> On 31 Jan, 14:13, Kostya Vasilyev wrote:
> &
> works on all devices.
> -- Kostya
> 31.01.2011 16:04, LinusOnline пишет:
> > I'm struggling with some strange bahavior in EditText fields on the
> >SamsungGalaxy Tab andSamsungGalaxy S. Has anyone else experienced
> > similar beha
I'm struggling with some strange bahavior in EditText fields on the
Samsung Galaxy Tab and Samsung Galaxy S. Has anyone else experienced
similar behavior to this?
I'm using an EditText as an input window for URLs. As the user enters
a character in it, I want to autocomplete it, i.e., lo
I'm analyzing some ANR traces that were reported by users of my
application via Android Market. I have some questions about ANR traces
in general:
How reliable are the traces? Most the traces I have make sense, but
many don't. There is one which doesn't mention any of my code at all,
like it's bee
After building my project with Java debug information, I get the
following "warning" from dalvikvm when launching my application:
VFY: arbitrarily rejecting large method
It seems the Dalvik VM's verifier is rejecting one of my methods. The
method is named in the warning, and it is indeed very lar
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