thanks a lot

Vào 14:58:55 UTC+7 Chủ nhật, ngày 14 tháng mười năm 2012, Keith Wiley đã 
> Does Android cache http-requested data?
> I keep a small text file with various app-settings on my webserver.  When 
> my app launches, it sends an http request to my webserver to grab the text 
> file and retrieve the settings.  This enables me to update the settings of 
> an app installed on a phone "in the field" from the server.
> The problem is, when I update the text file on the server, I usually don't 
> see an immediate change in the text file retrieved by my app.  It can take 
> hours for the change to show up in my app's http requests.  I know that the 
> problem is not merely one of the file updating through various 
> buffers/caches on the webserver because I can see the new version of the 
> file if I load the same URL in a web browser...including a web browser on 
> the exact same Android device I am running my app a web browser 
> (even one on the phone itself) sees the updated file immediately after I 
> change it, but my app doesn't see it for several hours.
> It feels like Android is caching previous http request results and 
> returning those to apps that make repeated requests instead of reloading 
> the URLs from the web...and it takes a very long time to label this 
> presumed cache as stale and reload the file from the server...several hours.
> On a side note, I have tried killing the app to make sure it's totally 
> gone.  I have even tried rebooting the phone and yet the problem still 
> persists...which is mind-boggling.
> I am quite flummoxed.  I am aware that Android is requesting and receiving 
> a GZipInputStream, and I can see the input stream's type in the debugger, 
> but that seems irrelevant to my issue.
> Here's how I pull the text file from the web server into my app.  Any 
> ideas why a browser on the same device successfully retrieves the updated 
> file and my code doesn't?
> String address = "http://URL_of_text_file_on_my_webserver.txt";;
> URL url = new URL(address);
> HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
> InputStream is = (InputStream) conn.getContent();
> Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8");
> StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
> char[] buffer = new char[1024];
> for (int length = 0; (length = > 0;)
>     writer.write(buffer, 0, length);
> is.close();
> reader.close();
> writer.close();
> String fileStr = writer.toString();
> Thanks.

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