I'm using the following Android code to generate a HmacMD5 hash.  When
I generate the hash from the Android App I get the following:
J0t��j#߸� bq- �.  When I generate the hash from a .net console
application I get: SjB0j+xqI9+4hxticS0Cjw==.  Notice the difference
and that the Android has has special chars in it.  Is this a character
set issue?


Here's the Android code:

public class HMACMD5 {

   private final String HMAC_MD5_NAME = "HmacMD5";

   private SecretKeySpec sk;
   private Mac mac;

   public HMACMD5(byte[] key) throws GeneralSecurityException {

   public HMACMD5(String key) throws GeneralSecurityException {

   private void init(byte[] key) throws GeneralSecurityException {
      sk = new SecretKeySpec(key, HMAC_MD5_NAME);
      mac = Mac.getInstance(HMAC_MD5_NAME);

   public byte[] ComputeHash(byte[] data) {
      return mac.doFinal(data);

   public byte[] ComputeHash(String data) {
      return ComputeHash(EncodingUtils.getAsciiBytes(data));

public String encodeText(String sKey, String sSrc) throws Exception {
      HMACMD5 hmacMD5 = new HMACMD5(sKey);
      byte[] textBytes = EncodingUtils.getBytes(sSrc, "UTF-8");
      byte[] encodedTextBytes = hmacMD5.ComputeHash(textBytes);
      String sEncodedText = EncodingUtils.getString(encodedTextBytes,
      return sEncodedText;

Here's the .NET code:

public static string EncodeText(byte[] key, string sText, Encoding
   HMACMD5 hmacMD5 = new HMACMD5(key);
   byte[] textBytes = encoding.GetBytes(sText);
   byte[] encodedTextBytes = hmacMD5.ComputeHash(textBytes);
   string sEncodedText = Convert.ToBase64String(encodedTextBytes);
   return sEncodedText;

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