[android-developers] Why I can't delete SIM record?

2009-02-02 Thread huangjuanm...@gmail.com
Hi guys, I can use code to delete contacts in phone, but I can't do it in SIM card. Does anybody know it?? Here is my code to delete SIM record. mSimUri = Uri.parse("content://sim/adn"); getContentResolver().delete(mSimUri, "name=?",new String[] {"people name"}); No exception to execute this c

[android-developers] ask for help: write contact into SIM (phonebook app)

2009-01-14 Thread huangjuanm...@gmail.com
hi, I wrote a case to test phonebook app, but I encountered a problem for SIM card handling. I don't know if the emulated SIM card (I run it on emulator) does not allow me to control it, or the function I used is not correct ? ***code*** ContentValues val