[android-developers] How to Retain Data while using Expandable list views when user clicks Expand or collaps buttons

2011-08-16 Thread vaibhav mahajan
Dear All, I am using expandable list for my app, In my child view there is Text view and button , i can make changes in the textview by clicking on the button, All i want to do is to retain those values when there is collaps or expansion of other group views. But wen that happens system automatic

[android-developers] problem with the button in the listview

2011-08-05 Thread vaibhav mahajan
Hi, I am facing problem to update the textview via button (both) in the list view. Can sm1 guide me on where to put onclicklistener of the button which has the counter that shows update in the textview. I tried to put it in Oncreate method of the activity but it does not work, i tried puttin it in

[android-developers] ListView Problem

2011-08-01 Thread vaibhav mahajan
Hi Dear All, I am facing some issues in the developement of my app. I have created a list in which i want to add buttons and textswitcher. But if i do so i can able to delete the items in my list - as either the buttons in the list would work or list without the buttons would work. I tried to crea

[android-developers] Can I add button inmy listview??

2011-07-29 Thread vaibhav mahajan
Hi Dear All, I am facing some issues in the developement of my app. I have created a list in which i want to add buttons and textswitcher. But if i do so i can able to delete the items in my list - as either the buttons in the list would work or list without the buttons would work. I tried to crea