in AndroidManifest.xml under
On May 23, 7:12 am, kypriakos wrote:
> Hi all,
> for the sole purpose of performance analysis I want to allow HTTP
> incoming
> requests to be enabled on an Android device - I a
There are two kinds of "microUSB to standardUSB" cables sold.
Many of them for smartphones are "battery charging purpose only" and
can't be used for data connection. I wish there is an accepted rule
to apply different colors for the two kinds, but there isn't.
This is because smartphones have been
If I were you, I would check the way you are removing the children,
first. If you are removing child views "at once" like removing a
ViewGroup to which the child Views belong, instead of removing one
View at a time, this behavior makes sense as hierarchy change is
happening only once for multiple
Thank you, again.
Most of my high-cost performance-sensitive stuff are run by the
Handler on threads other than the main UI thread, and when I asked
about Traceview in the past, someone told me "it is no good handling
threads but otherwise is a good debugging tool" so I dismissed it
without trying
Thanks for the comment. I agree. This is the reason why I liked
Zsolt Vasvari's code, and I did not change the RelativeSizeSpan to
AbsoluteSizeSpan. But you have to remember an absolute size in pixels
can get bigger or smaller depending on the displayed screen's density
(dpi), meaning AbsoluteSi
nd that it
> supports "" and "", i.e. using an html string like
> "199 km/h" seems to work, although you cannot
> specify the sizes exactly...
> Am Sonntag, 6. Mai 2012 09:53:17 UTC+2 schrieb x300:
You received this message because you a
May be we should start a new thread on this, but if you have already
started on it, I would like to request the inclusion of another topic
where Android "should excel but does not", which is the area of
Unlike in big server apps and utilities development, where robustness
and product
Thanks for the comment, Ibendlin. I do agree, and do subscribe, to
"Less is more".
As this is not an appropriate venue to discuss the development process
of my app, let me just briefly outline how it went with regard to the
1. The elimination of "km/h" was considered and rejected as the
It works!
Thanks a lot for sharing your insight :) :) :)My code look as
private static final float SMALL_TEXT_RELATIVE_SIZE = 0.6f;
public CharSequence setSpeedText(){
CharSequence text = "km/h";
SpannableStringBuilder smaller
I will play with SpannableString stuff with SizeSpan, and will post
here if something works.
I often get across your post as a solution to similar problems I'm
facing, and want you to know that your efforts are appreciated around
the globe (I am located in Tokyo).
Why don't you write a bo
Thank you very much for the response. It almost worked.
Please check the following code if I implemented your method as you
public Spanned setSpeedText(){
StringBuilder hTmlSB = new StringBuilder()
For the sake of conserving display area, I would like to put "45.6" in
large font and "km/h" in smaller font on a button.
Aside from making "km/h" a part of background bitmap, which I want to
avoid as it, too, could change as in "56.7mph", "OVER Speed", "UNDER
Speed", "67.8miles", "200meters", etc
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