Hi, all
Now, I am trying to verify the JNI in Android java platform.
I am using HTC G1 phone.
I write a simple .c file to make a hello.so and a simple hello.java file to
load the library. My story is like below:

1. create hellolib.c file and compiled to a hellolib.so
create a folder in
create a hellolib.c file hellolib.c, it really nothing just a function
*#include <jni.h>*
*#define .LOG_TAG "TestLib"*
*#undef LOG*
*#include <utils/Log.h>*
*JNIEXPORT void JNICALL java_com_testHelloLib_PrintHello(JNIEnv * env,
jobject jobj)*
*LOGD("hello android LIB");*

I compiled the hellolib.c to .so by changing the android.mk:
*LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)*

*LOCAL_MODULE := libhello *

push the libhello.so to /system/lib

2. create a .java file.
*public class HelloAndroid extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        TextView tv = new TextView(this);
       native_test.add_xx(1, 2) ;*
*    }*
class native_test{
 static {
 System.loadLibrary("hello");// System.loadLibrary("media_jni");
* public native_test(HelloAndroid helloAndroid) {
 public static int add_xx(int a, int b)
  return 0;

3. push the .apk to the phone and run from eclips
 always a run time error like:"the application hello.android has stopped
unexpectedly, pla try again"

I changed the System.loadLibrary("hello") to a
System.loadLibrary("media_jni") like I saw in android source code, I get the
same error.

so, Could anyone help me to teach me where is my error? I missed something?
If my hellolib.so has problem, why I load the media_jni still meet the
problem? if my .java has problem, but it seems really like my java is like
the source code. Do I need to expose the .h file to java app?
I am really new for java programming, appreciate for your help!

with best wishes

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