
I'm trying to prepare an update to one of my apps and I just realized
that the updated version cannot read or write over the previous
version's SharedPreferences.

Some details:
* I'm using the 1.6 SDK and compiling for 1.5.3.
* My androidmanifest.xml does not have a sharedUserId (I didn't think
I need one if I was not sharing data between different apps).

How to reproduce:
* Install my current app from the market
* Run the app
* Exit and save the setting - invoking SharedPreferences Editor commit
(it's using MODE_PRIVATE)
* Now install my new update (via a browser download)
* Run the app
    * Everything works fine
* Exit & Save
*** Now reboot the phone
* Run the app again
==> Can no longer access old data or write over it!!

Did I do something wrong? Is it because of the sharedUserId thing? Is
it because of the way I'm testing - via market then browser? Why is
LogCat reporting a UID change?
==> mismatched uid: 10031 on disk, 10046 in settings;
Can I recover from this? I don't want to delete all of my users' data.
help! =]

Here's some edited output from LogCat:
09-28 09:10:54.083: ERROR/PackageManager(60): Package
com.my.application.package.path has mismatched uid: 10031 on disk,
10046 in settings; read messages:
09-28 09:10:54.083: ERROR/PackageManager(60): Read completed
successfully: 71 packages, 7 shared uids
09-28 09:11:08.513: ERROR/ApplicationContext(60): Couldn't create
directory for SharedPreferences file shared_prefs/wallpaper-hints.xml
09-28 09:11:51.522: ERROR/ApplicationContext(278): Couldn't rename
file /data/data/com.my.application.package.path/shared_prefs/
MyFuzzleFile.xml to backup file /data/data/
09-28 09:11:51.552: ERROR/ApplicationContext(278): Couldn't create
directory for SharedPreferences file /data/data/
09-28 09:11:51.552: ERROR/ApplicationContext(278): Couldn't rename
file /data/data/com.my.application.package.path/shared_prefs/
MyFuzzleFile.xml to backup file /data/data/
09-28 09:11:51.552: ERROR/ApplicationContext(278): Couldn't create
directory for SharedPreferences file /data/data/

Thank You! Any help is appreciated!

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