OK, so I've done some searching, seen others hit this problem but
never really saw a solid resolution. I have a situation where I am
loading large-ish images (~120KB jpg) from a remote webserver and
displaying them to users in a gallery view.

Now these images take a bit of time to download, so I would like to
cache them. So I stick the bitmap in a hashmap of softreferences
inside a static manager class. I know the usual culprit here is that
the programmer is leaking memory. But this is the same approach (soft
references, hashmap) that JBQ takes in his shelves app, and I really
don't think I'm keeping any more references to the bitmap than the one
soft reference. So I don't think leaking is the problem, although if
someone who knows better insists that I probably made some mistake,
I'll revisit this.

And yes I know my "images are too large, make them smaller", but
really I want an image larger than the screen so users can zoom and
pan around inside the image. If you want to tell me that's not a
function Android can support, then I am at a loss for words.

So my app gets an External allocation too large message on logcat. It
only happens after I run the program for a long time. I see finalize()
methods being called on my Image derivative objects, I also see many
of the softreference entries going to null inside my hashmap, so I
suspect that my cache is operating correctly, although I am not sure
how timely the actual bitmaps are being GCed, but I see GC messages
saying ~900KB freed, which I can't see coming from anywhere else in my

So I have three main questions that I can't find the answer to in
similar past threads:

1. I've seen recommendation on calling recycle() on bitmaps. But given
the fact that I want to keep the bitmap in softreferencecache to keep
the app responsive, I don't really know when the softreference goes
invalid to call recycle. If the GC runs and clears the softreference
that is the only remaining reference to the bitmap, is that as good as
calling the recycle on the bitmap, or not necessarily?

2. Is there a way I can manually keep my memory usage down right
before bitmap decoding is going to need to work? I see ways to see if
the system is in low memory state. But I don't care about that, I need
to know about my own dalvik process. How can I estimate whether I have
the 1228800 bytes to decode the uncompressed image. Because I know
every time I'm about to allocate the image, is there a recommended way
to detect issues, and is there a way to force the GC to successfully
clean up? I only display one image at a time, although it's possible
that the BaseAdapter has more widgets created than just the one being
displayed (but I don't suspect that it has that many views holding
references to the bitmaps, it does recycle views after all). I see
that one Dalvik VM API is deprecated and going internal. What's left
for me to use?

3. LAST RESORT: If it's impossible to get Dalvik to stay at a low
memory usage. Then I suppose I need to stop caching my bitmaps in a
hashmap. In which case I'm going to write them to storage (yuck). I
don't want to pollute their SD card, and I don't want them to see the
app cache consuming some of their precious ~90MB of usable internal
space. Is there an application lifecycle hook that I can hook into to
clear up my file cache? I don't want to delete stuff as soon as an
Activity goes into the background because they might go right back, I
want to hook into when my entire application hasn't done anything in
the while and Android low memory kills it.

Then I have a minor question:

1. In JBQ's shelves application I see he switches between decoding
with SKIA which he uses BitmapFactory.decodeStream and
BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray, I didn't realize that one was
different. Is SKIA bad? How should we as developers know this?

Thanks in advance.


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