Hey guys, below is my code for my program, it gives me a list of 
directories and it allows me to click through one directory, however if I 
try to click through to 2 folders deep it wont let me because of 
"if(K.getAbsoluteFile().isDirectory()==true)", and removing this gives me a 
crash.  Can anyone tell me why it wouldn't recognize "File K" as a 
directory the second click through in my browse class?  


> package book.BouncySquare;
>> import java.io.File;
> import java.util.ArrayList;
> import java.util.List;
> import android.app.ListActivity;
> import android.os.Bundle;
> import android.util.Log;
> import android.view.View;
> import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
> import android.widget.ListView;
>> public class FileManager extends ListActivity {
> public File clickedFile = null;
> private List<String> directoryEntries = new ArrayList<String>();
>  //private List<String> directoryEntries = new ArrayList<String>();
> private File currentDirectory = new File("/");
>> @Override
> public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
> Log.d("startx", "start");
> super.onCreate(icicle);
> browseToRoot();
> }
>> public void browseToRoot() {
> Log.d("Browse", "browse"+currentDirectory.getAbsoluteFile());
> browseTo(new File("/"));
> }
>> private void browseTo(File file) {
> Log.d("mew", "too");
> if(file.isDirectory()){
> Log.d("check", "it");
> fill(file); }
> }
>  private void browse(String x) {
> Log.d("created", "newfile");
> final File K=new File(x); 
> Log.d("broke", "ass");
> if(K.getAbsoluteFile().isDirectory()==true){
> Log.d("Z"+K.getAbsoluteFile(), "directory");
> fill(K.getAbsoluteFile());}
> else{
> Log.d("X"+K.getName(), "NotADirectoryOrHidden");
> Log.d("A"+K.getAbsoluteFile(), "directory");
> }
>  }
>> private void fill(File files) {
> File[] meow=null;
> this.directoryEntries.clear();
> meow= files.listFiles();
> Log.d("sss", "sss");
> this.directoryEntries.add(getString(R.string.current_dir));// 
>> directoryentries is an arraylist that holds our Directories names
> this.directoryEntries.add(getString(R.string.up_one_level));
> for (File file : meow) {
> this.directoryEntries.add(file.getName()); //fill our string array 
>> directoryentries with each files getName, then we pass it to arrayAdapter 
>> to populate
> }
> ArrayAdapter<String> directoryList = new 
>> ArrayAdapter<String>(this,R.layout.file_row, this.directoryEntries); //our 
>> context,layout, and array of directories is created
> this.setListAdapter(directoryList);
> }
>  @Override
> protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {
> String clickedEntry =this.directoryEntries.get((int) id);
> Log.d("clickedID="+id, "clickedPosition="+clickedEntry); 
> browse(clickedEntry);
> }
> }


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