Hi There,

I have been successful in copying the APIDemo search example and I
have search suggestions from search history popping up in the drop
down search pane that appears at the top of the screen.

However since search is the main function of my app, I have also
created a start up screen with a search text box and "Go" button so
that the user does not have to hit any keys to bring up the search

So I hooked my search AutoCompleteTextView and "Go" button up to the
same search framework, and it all works just fine, but I don't get the
search suggestions on the AutoCompleteTextView.  I had sort of been
assuming that I could grab a list of search suggestions from

                SearchRecentSuggestions suggestions = new 

but it seems I can only use that to add queries, not to get a list of
them.  That, I read, is all taken care of behind the scenes.  I have
read http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/SearchManager.html
which seems to hint that I can have recent search suggestions
associated with my own search forms, but for the moment I am kind of
stumped as to how to make them show up in the AutoCompleteTextView, or
some other kind of TextView.

Has anyone else managed to do this? i.e. have search suggestions pop
up for something other than the special android search dialog?

Many thanks in advance
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