In my App I have several activities which are obviously related to each 
other. Whenever I am on some activity and the user kills my app by using 
any task killer. I want to do two things

   1. Clear the Notification which I added when the user logged in..
   2. finish all the activities other than the first Activity i.e. Login 

Now if user starts again my app either from the recent tasks or from 
launcher I want to start from the first activity i.e. Login Activity...

Presently my code works absolutely fine if I use android *manage process* and 
end the activity or force close the app from *android task manager*. But if 
I am using some other task killer app i.e. Advanced task killer, after 
closing the app when I relaunch the App from recent apps the it tries to 
restart from the last used Activity instead of Login Activty and gives an 
ugly force close error and when I click close it redirects me back to Login 
Activity... The Notification is also not cleared when in this case.

How do I handle third party task killers ?

I have read several threads on SO but couldn't get the pointers, few of 
them are ...

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