
I've got a Listview in my activity with a cursor adapter and a view to
render the results.

When i return a rather large data set from my query (like say, 15,000
rows), the Listview.setadapter() call blocks on me and occasionally
gives me the dreaded ANR dialog.

I've tried various ways to background the operation.  Fetch the cursor
in a background thread, but that is a rather short operation since it
just returns a handle to the underlying dataset.

Obviously I can't background the loading of the adapter in the thread
because the setAdapter needs to be on the UI thread (i tried that and
got a nice exception and crash).

When setadapter is called, the app locks up while data is being
rendered in bindView() and newView().  Users have complained that it
looks like the app is frozen (which effectively it is), so they munge
around the menus and such while the operation is happening, causing
more havoc.

My current workaround involved doing a ViewSwitcher to put a little
progress widget to switch out while the listview is being rendered.
However, since it's on the UI thread, most if not all UI operations
get slammed.  Progress Dialogs don't show, the progress widget doesn't
animate, animation transitions cache weirdly.

The other workaround is to default to use smaller datasets which is
the more "duh" solution.  But the need will arise eventually to do
huge dataset queries and/or render more complex views within a
ListView...which I think will cause similar SetAdapter() blockages.

My question is this.

The API examples have the Inefficient list activity examples for
binding "slow" data on scroll events.  Is there a similar type of lazy
loading/fetching of data for a corresponding cursor adapter?  I want
to basically have a listview bound with a Cursor adapter ONLY render
the items in the visible view.  It seems like the cursorView sort of
does it already, but I was wondering if there was a way to tune the
amount of records it prefetches on intial rendering after setadapter
().  It seems to do way too much and it blocks the UI.

Many thanks.
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