So here's something to think about while stuffing your face with
turkey. What are some techniques that could be used for push
notifications to an app (service) in android? The simplest option I
can think of is what Fusion's visual voicemail uses, which is to
monitor incoming SMS messages. The problem with this method is that
Android currently has no way to cancel the notification that is sent
by the messaging app. So for every notification your app gets, the OS
will also show a text message (which is totally lame btw). Another
option would be having your service poll you server every few minutes
to create the illusion of push notifications. That's what I'd call a
cheap trick that would hurt battery life pretty badly after not too
long. Another option I've considered is having your service create a
persistent connection to your server. This would be pretty painful not
only on the battery life of the phone, but also on your servers, if
you had lots of users. So what are some other options? Or do we have
to wait for Google to change their minds and let us clear sms
notifications (with appropriate permissions of course)? Does TouchDown
(the new exchange app) support push notifications (my exchange is
2003, so i cant test it)? If so, anyone know how they did it?

Any ideas at all, please add them. Remember, there are no stupid
ideas, even if they might not work right away.

P.S. To to folks at Google, please help us out. By not giving devs the
ability to push notifications to our apps from the internet, you've
seriously gimped our ability to design lots of killer apps and thereby
boost the popularity of android. This has got to be something you guys
have thought about before, right? I know you wanted 3rd parties to
handle the exchange compatibility, but you had to consider that we'd
need some sort of Push to do that. Should we wait for the next SDK
update or what?
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