Hi everyone,

I've been looking around on the net and in this group, but i have not
found any java package that can read and write EXIF data.

I tried Sanselan. They say they don't use ImageIO/AWT, but they
actually do use AWT. The class can not be loaded because there is an
AWT dependency:

06-17 18:18:36.883: WARN/dalvikvm(11197): VFY: unable to find class
referenced in signature (Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage;)
06-17 18:18:41.693: WARN/dalvikvm(11197): VFY: unable to find class
referenced in signature (Ljava/awt/color/ICC_Profile;)
06-17 18:18:47.433: ERROR/dalvikvm(11197): Could not find method
java.awt.color.ICC_Profile.getInstance, referenced from method
06-17 18:18:47.433: WARN/dalvikvm(11197): VFY: unable to resolve
static method 1446: Ljava/awt/color/ICC_Profile;.getInstance ([B)Ljava/
06-17 18:18:47.433: WARN/dalvikvm(11197): VFY:  rejecting opcode 0x71
at 0x001a
06-17 18:18:47.433: WARN/dalvikvm(11197): VFY:  rejected Lorg/apache/
sanselan/Sanselan;.getICCProfile (Lorg/apache/sanselan/common/
06-17 18:18:47.433: WARN/dalvikvm(11197): Verifier rejected class Lorg/

What i want is not so much creating my own EXIF data, but preserving a
JPEG's meta-data (EXIF). I'm planning to load a JPEG, edit its bitmap
and write it out again to a(nother) JPEG with the same meta-data as
its original.

What are my options?
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