[android-developers] Re: Bitmap's getWidth problem

2011-10-10 Thread Studio LFP
You have two options, use the BitmapFactory + BitmapFactory.Options like this: BitmapFactory.Options bfoOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options(); bfoOptions.inScaled = false; BitmapFactory.decodeResource( rMgr, ResID, bfoOptions ); Or you can put all the resources you don't want scaled in the drawa

[android-developers] Re: Bitmap's getWidth problem

2011-10-10 Thread Perry168
Hi all, I found that the problem not come from 2.1 or 2.2. When the AVD is using HVGA, the image resolution will display 574. But if AVD is using WVGA800, it will display 861. How can I get the correct image's width and height? Thanks a lot! -- You received this message because you are subsc