Dear experts,

Do you have any inputs on my queries?


On Jul 20, 5:28 am, Ganesh <> wrote:
> Dear Experts,
> In case of video recording, there would be 3 major players in the flow
> graph i.e.CameraSource,Encoderencapsulated as an OMXCodec
> component and MPEG4 Writer. I am referring to the one the latest
> versions of code from android GIT and I have this doubt.
> - Each of these components read data from the predecessor through
> mSource->read.
> - MPEG4 Writer spawns off separate threads for writing tracks.
> - However, I couldn't observe that CameraSource and OMXCodec are
> running in different threads. From my current understanding, I presume
> that both of these components run in same thread, probably in a
> sequential manner.
> Hence, my doubts are:
> 1) Is my current understanding correct or have I missed out any detail/
> implementation related to threads?
> 2) Since the default implementation is a stub, is it expected/assumed
> that theCameraHAL implementation would implement a thread of it's
> own, thereby decoupling the capture from the OMXCodec in terms of
> picture capture.
> Please help me to correct my misunderstandings. Thanks for your help.
> Best Regards,
> Ganesh

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