It got fixed! I forgot to refresh the main canvas itself.

On 16 dec, 20:28, Wing Eraser <> wrote:
> Before I made this topic I've read books, guides and tutorial. Right
> now I'm porting a game engine to the Android platform.
> I got a problem. I'll describe it in steps:
> 1. Drawing a bitmap on Canvas
> bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Config.ARGB_8888);
> canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
> canvas.drawColor(color, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR);
> 2. Remove the trace that is left behind by the Canvas
> canvas.clearBitmap(); --> seems not working.
> public void clearBitmap()
> {
>         canvas.drawColor(0x00000000, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR);
> }
> 3. Putting the drawColor in a other method seems working
> public void copyPixels(BitmapData sourceBitmapData, Rectangle
> sourceRect, Point destPoint, BitmapData alphaBitmapData, Point
> alphaPoint, boolean mergeAlpha)
> {
>         Rect source = new Rect((int) sourceRect.left, (int),
> (int) sourceRect.right, (int) sourceRect.bottom);
>                 Rect dest = new Rect((int) destPoint.x, (int) destPoint.y, 
> (int)
> destPoint.x + (int) sourceRect.getWidth(),      (int) destPoint.y + (int)
> sourceRect.getHeight());
>         Paint paint = null;
>         canvas.drawColor(Color.BLUE, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR);
>         canvas.drawBitmap(sourceBitmapData.getBitmap(), source, dest, paint);
> }
> It clears the traces, but the canvas (which is blue) is over the whole
> screen. Multiple bitmaps got overlapped by the top Canvas.
> Please help me. If you need better code just say it.

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