1.this is url: http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/hello-world.html
and just follow steps.
2. Also make sure your AndroidManifest.xml has a correct activity to
match the name of java code. (see below)
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
3. HelloAndroidActivity.java

package com.example.helloandroid;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class HelloAndroidActivity extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


On Dec 29, 11:22 am, alan4100 <alansbl...@verizon.net> wrote:
> HelloWorld Application
> My first posting is at OTN Discussions Forum (under Oracle). Somebody
> recommended to this forum; faster responses. 99.9% Solved. I am not
> sure which one I am in because I am just a complete beginner.
> I was getting the android SDK to work from Android3 SDK Programming by
> Ramnath, but it does not look good for two reasons. The book I
> purchased few days ago is actually February 2009 version. Maybe it is
> on bookstore shelf for three years. Secondly, it run with some errors.
> I am posting with little hope.
> First my ACER Windows 7 is 64 bit operating system.
> I installed JAVA SDK 7  then Eclipse IDE in 64 bit.
> Then installed SDK Android Starter Package. I downloaded all virtual
> devices.
> Then installed ADT plug 3.1 recommended in book for Eclipse by 
> typinghttps://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipseand then click add.
> To make it short, I run Hello Android Project in Eclipse as Android
> Project.
> What I got is black screen with no HelloWorld as displayed in the
> book.
> At the bottom of Eclipse in console displayed some errors.
> Can you help me correct errors?
> It looks like there is not much hope. I think something to do with
> Android emulator software.
> [2011-12-30 00:04:50 - First application]
> [2011-12-30 00:04:50 - First application] Android Launch!
> [2011-12-30 00:04:50 - First application] adb is running normally.
> [2011-12-30 00:04:50 - First application] Performing
> com.wiley.androidfordummies.HelloAndroid.FirstapplicationActivity
> activity launch
> [2011-12-30 00:04:50 - First application] Automatic Target Mode:
> launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'android3'
> [2011-12-30 00:04:50 - First application] Launching a new emulator
> with Virtual Device 'android3'
> [2011-12-30 00:05:00 - Emulator] emulator: WARNING: Unable to create
> sensors port: Unknown error
> [2011-12-30 00:05:00 - Emulator] emulator: emulator window was out of
> view and was recentered
> [2011-12-30 00:05:00 - Emulator]
> [2011-12-30 00:05:00 - First application] New emulator found:
> emulator-5554
> [2011-12-30 00:05:00 - First application] Waiting for HOME
> ('android.process.acore') to be launched...
> [2011-12-30 00:05:06 - First application] emulator-5554 disconnected!
> Cancelling
> 'com.wiley.androidfordummies.HelloAndroid.FirstapplicationActivity
> activity launch'!

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