Not sure what you problem is, but maybe instead of multiple
activities, stack views on one activity

On Feb 6, 11:50 pm, Haisoo Shin <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem on some devices like Galaxy Nexus, where my
> background activities are not destroyed by the system even when
> available memory is low. (It's not a memory leak. I tested it with a
> minimal activity, and it's device specific.)
> If I can't rely on the Android system to destroy background activities
> to get required memory, I need to do it myself manually. However if I
> call finish() method, the activity is removed from the back stack, and
> the users won't be able to go back the activity by pressing back
> button.
> So I need a way to manually make my background activities to be
> collected, but still be available in the back stack to be restored
> (with the savedInstanceState bundle) when users press the back button.
> (i.e. just like they've been collected by the system)
> Is there any way to do this, or do I have to implement my own activity
> history to do this?
> Thanks.

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