Brush up on your geometry. :=)

Map from a two dimensional coordinate (screen) to a 3 dimensional one

(ScreenX, ScreenY, 0) --gluUnproject--> (ModelX1, ModelY1, ModelZ1)
(ScreenX, ScreenY, 1) --gluUnproject--> (ModelX2, ModelY2, ModelZ2)

Now you 'draw' an invisible line from (ModelX1, ModelY1, ModelZ1) to
(ModelX2, ModelY2, ModelZ2) and find first intersection point of this
line with a cube. This cube is the one that has been touched.

I found that the gluUnproject that came with the SDK is buggy. I wrote
my own:
(go to message #8)

On Feb 24, 2:31 am, Louis Huh <> wrote:
> I drew cubes using opengl,
> GLSurfaceView has onTouchEvent method. but I'd like to know
> what cube was touched ?
> cubes can move anywhere in the viewport...

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