JavaAndroid wrote:
> Can anyone shed some light on Inflating
> Buttons and Custom Views. 


Not sure if this flashlight will make it through the email, though...


 > What is the exacet meaning of Inflating
> Buttons and Custom Views?

Using LayoutInflater to turn layout XML into a tree of View, as opposed 
to solely using layout XML in activities via setContentView().

 > Can you provide some links or Tutorials for
> trying out them in Activity Screen..

IMHO, LayoutInflater will most commonly be used in selection widgets, 
like ListView, when you want the rows to be something relatively 
complex. I have a series of "Fancy ListView" blog posts out in the 
Building 'Droids column on AndroidGuys:

Some of that is for the older M5 SDK. The one that is more up-to-date is:

Unfortunately, the formatting of these older posts got whacked when 
AndroidGuys switched hosts and themes, so they're a little tough to read.

Otherwise, search for LayoutInflater in your favorite search engine, and 
you should find some examples.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 1.3 Published!

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