I had the same problem.
you can execute a runnable to start your frame animation without using
buttons like this
Handler startHandler = new Handler();
startHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
}}, 1
I had the same problem.
you can execute a runnable to start your frame animation like this
Handler startHandler = new Handler();
startHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
}}, 100);
hope it helps y
Take a look here where I explained that while asking another question:
You received this mes
I am trying to load many frames into a animationDrawable and I'm running
into similar problems. Can you post an example of your solution -
"manually adding Bitmaps as frames, and then calling recycle() on them".
Do you mean you completely bypassed animationDrawable and just displayed the
Ok it still needs some more testing but it looks like I have solved
the problem by creating the animation with manually adding Bitmaps as
frames, and then calling recycle() on them. And I can now run the 2
animations with full frame and size. It is a less elegant approach and
more 'hard-coded' but
Ok it still needs some more testing but it looks like I have solved
the problem by creating the animation with manually adding Bitmaps as
frames, and then calling recycle() on them. And I can now run the 2
animations with full frame and size. It is a less elegant approach and
more 'hard-coded' but
I was able to launch the 2 animation by decreasing the frame number to
4 for each. It works as a single launch but the OutOfMemoryError
exception still occurs. The problem is when I want to go back from the
last activity to the first one (as I wrote it is a 'ring' app), or
when I exit and open the
Well the draw9patch tool from android sdk had produced files 10 times
bigger than the jpg that I used originally. One animation consists of
7 files, each one is 28-40 kb. The 9.png files were starting from 300
kb :> Although it doesn't seem much, and I saw people loading several
animation in one a
Reduce the size of your drawables. Make them 9patch if you can.
Kumar Bibek
On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Serdel wrote:
> Ok I have managed to launch the animation at activity startup by
> putting it in the onWindowFocusChanged method
Ok I have managed to launch the animation at activity startup by
putting it in the onWindowFocusChanged method. However I am still
struggling with the out of memory problems. I tried to use some
suggestions people give on the net like
Thank you for the reply. I really don't get this - following your
advice I moved the animation creating code out of OnCreate. Firstly I
overrided an 'OnStart()' method of the main activity - nothing. Then I
have put it in the OnTick() method of the timer in a simple if
condition to launch only at t
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