Any developers? Help please!!!

On Nov 8, 2:45 pm, Wei Jian <> wrote:
> Can anyone help me with this? The code seems no problem when i run it,
> but it stop unexpectedly in the emulator. I read some answer in the
> forum, i has to look at the logcat to see about the exception handler.
> But i do not really understand the logcat output. Please, developers,
> help me!.
> Below are the coding and my logcat output. Please...
> package com.example.testing;
> import;
> import;
> import android.os.Bundle;
> import android.util.Log;
> import android.widget.TextView;
> import android.widget.Toast;
> import com.example.testing.R;
> public class testing extends Activity {
>             private static final String TAG = "MediaPlayerDemo";
>             private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer;
>             private static final String MEDIA = "media";
>             private static final int LOCAL_AUDIO = 1;
>             private static final int STREAM_AUDIO = 2;
>             private static final int RESOURCES_AUDIO = 3;
>             private static final int LOCAL_VIDEO = 4;
>             private static final int STREAM_VIDEO = 5;
>             private String path;
>             private TextView tx;
>             @Override
>             public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
>                 super.onCreate(icicle);
>                 tx = new TextView(this);
>                 setContentView(tx);
>                 Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
>                 playAudio(extras.getInt(MEDIA));
>             }
>             private void playAudio(Integer media) {
>                 try {
>                     switch (media) {
>                         case LOCAL_AUDIO:
>                             /**
>                              * TODO: Set the path variable to a local audio
> file path.
>                              */
>                             path = "/res/raw/test1";
>                             if (path == "") {
>                                 // Tell the user to provide an audio file
> URL.
>                                 Toast
>                                         .makeText(
>                                                 testing.this,
>                                                 "Please edit
> MediaPlayer_Audio Activity, "
>                                                         + "and set the path
> variable to your audio file path."
>                                                         + " Your audio file
> must be stored on sdcard.",
>                                                 Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
>                             }
>                             mMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
>                             mMediaPlayer.setDataSource(path);
>                             mMediaPlayer.prepare();
>                             mMediaPlayer.start();
>                             break;
>                         case RESOURCES_AUDIO:
>                             /**
>                              * TODO: Upload a audio file to res/raw folder
> and provide
>                              * its resid in MediaPlayer.create() method.
>                              */
>                             mMediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(this,
> R.raw.test1);
>                             mMediaPlayer.start();
>                     }
>                     tx.setText("Playing audio...");
>                 } catch (Exception e) {
>                     Log.e(TAG, "error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
>                 }
>             }
>             @Override
>             protected void onDestroy() {
>                 super.onDestroy();
>                 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
>                 if (mMediaPlayer != null) {
>                     mMediaPlayer.release();
>                     mMediaPlayer = null;
>                 }
>             }
>         }
> 11-08 06:40:03.647: INFO/DEBUG(539): debuggerd: Jun 30 2009 17:00:51
> 11-08 06:40:03.659: INFO/vold(538): Android Volume Daemon version 2.0
> 11-08 06:40:03.678: ERROR/vold(538): Error opening switch name path '/
> sys/class/switch/test2' (No such file or directory)
> 11-08 06:40:03.678: ERROR/vold(538): Error bootstrapping switch '/sys/
> class/switch/test2' (m)
> 11-08 06:40:03.678: ERROR/vold(538): Error opening switch name path '/
> sys/class/switch/test' (No such file or directory)
> 11-08 06:40:03.678: ERROR/vold(538): Error bootstrapping switch '/sys/
> class/switch/test' (m)
> 11-08 06:40:03.678: DEBUG/vold(538): Bootstrapping complete
> 11-08 06:40:03.817: ERROR/flash_image(544): can't find recovery
> partition
> 11-08 06:40:03.918: DEBUG/qemud(546): entering main loop
> 11-08 06:40:04.588: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(541): >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> 11-08 06:40:04.588: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(541): CheckJNI is ON
> 11-08 06:40:04.828: DEBUG/qemud(546): fdhandler_accept_event:
> accepting on fd 10
> 11-08 06:40:04.828: DEBUG/qemud(546): created client 0xe078 listening
> on fd 8
> 11-08 06:40:04.828: DEBUG/qemud(546): fdhandler_event: disconnect on
> fd 8
> 11-08 06:40:04.877: DEBUG/qemud(546): fdhandler_accept_event:
> accepting on fd 10
> 11-08 06:40:04.877: DEBUG/qemud(546): created client 0xf028 listening
> on fd 8
> 11-08 06:40:04.877: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_fd_receive: attempting
> registration for service 'gsm'
> 11-08 06:40:04.877: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_fd_receive:    ->
> received channel id 1
> 11-08 06:40:04.887: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_registration:
> registration succeeded for client 1
> 11-08 06:40:05.108: INFO/(542): ServiceManager: 0xac38
> 11-08 06:40:05.127: INFO/AudioFlinger(542): AudioFlinger's thread
> ready to run for output 0
> 11-08 06:40:05.147: INFO/CameraService(542): CameraService started:
> pid=542
> 11-08 06:40:05.207: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(541): --- registering native
> functions ---
> 11-08 06:40:05.528: INFO/Zygote(541): Preloading classes...
> 11-08 06:40:05.538: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 764 objects / 42216
> bytes in 10ms
> 11-08 06:40:05.717: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 278 objects / 17160
> bytes in 4ms
> 11-08 06:40:05.897: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 208 objects / 12696
> bytes in 5ms
> 11-08 06:40:05.967: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): Trying to load lib /system/
> lib/ 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:06.107: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): Added shared lib /system/lib/
> 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:06.107: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): Trying to load lib /system/
> lib/ 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:06.107: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): Shared lib '/system/lib/
>' already loaded in same CL 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:06.107: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): Trying to load lib /system/
> lib/ 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:06.107: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): Shared lib '/system/lib/
>' already loaded in same CL 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:06.107: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): Trying to load lib /system/
> lib/ 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:06.107: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): Shared lib '/system/lib/
>' already loaded in same CL 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:06.119: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 462 objects / 29144
> bytes in 6ms
> 11-08 06:40:06.527: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 3584 objects /
> 171648 bytes in 17ms
> 11-08 06:40:07.699: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 11329 objects /
> 400856 bytes in 27ms
> 11-08 06:40:08.007: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 10472 objects /
> 438272 bytes in 28ms
> 11-08 06:40:08.327: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 10975 objects /
> 459800 bytes in 33ms
> 11-08 06:40:09.327: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 14372 objects /
> 506896 bytes in 36ms
> 11-08 06:40:09.658: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 11314 objects /
> 481360 bytes in 36ms
> 11-08 06:40:09.847: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 5928 objects /
> 248640 bytes in 30ms
> 11-08 06:40:10.027: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 349 objects / 37032
> bytes in 24ms
> 11-08 06:40:10.228: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 778 objects / 48376
> bytes in 33ms
> 11-08 06:40:10.327: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 321 objects / 37288
> bytes in 34ms
> 11-08 06:40:10.757: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 477 objects / 29584
> bytes in 34ms
> 11-08 06:40:10.788: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): Trying to load lib /system/
> lib/ 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:10.869: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): Added shared lib /system/lib/
> 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:11.048: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 441 objects / 26224
> bytes in 35ms
> 11-08 06:40:11.147: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 506 objects / 41464
> bytes in 33ms
> 11-08 06:40:11.248: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 537 objects / 38832
> bytes in 38ms
> 11-08 06:40:11.368: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 342 objects / 22552
> bytes in 35ms
> 11-08 06:40:11.457: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 338 objects / 18736
> bytes in 38ms
> 11-08 06:40:11.567: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 629 objects / 32136
> bytes in 36ms
> 11-08 06:40:12.518: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 14257 objects /
> 497280 bytes in 57ms
> 11-08 06:40:12.868: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 11164 objects /
> 469576 bytes in 53ms
> 11-08 06:40:13.188: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 7134 objects /
> 311424 bytes in 55ms
> 11-08 06:40:13.357: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 752 objects / 43224
> bytes in 41ms
> 11-08 06:40:13.449: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 598 objects / 31496
> bytes in 43ms
> 11-08 06:40:13.558: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 413 objects / 26336
> bytes in 43ms
> 11-08 06:40:13.597: INFO/Zygote(541): ...preloaded 1166 classes in
> 8066ms.
> 11-08 06:40:13.648: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 313 objects / 19952
> bytes in 46ms
> 11-08 06:40:13.648: INFO/Zygote(541): Preloading resources...
> 11-08 06:40:13.707: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 54 objects / 11248
> bytes in 43ms
> 11-08 06:40:14.118: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 337 objects / 15008
> bytes in 46ms
> 11-08 06:40:14.338: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 280 objects / 11768
> bytes in 44ms
> 11-08 06:40:14.368: INFO/Zygote(541): ...preloaded 48 resources in
> 712ms.
> 11-08 06:40:14.397: INFO/Zygote(541): ...preloaded 15 resources in
> 23ms.
> 11-08 06:40:14.448: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 117 objects / 8448
> bytes in 50ms
> 11-08 06:40:14.498: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 205 objects / 8104
> bytes in 45ms
> 11-08 06:40:14.557: DEBUG/dalvikvm(541): GC freed 36 objects / 1400
> bytes in 53ms
> 11-08 06:40:14.567: INFO/dalvikvm(541): Splitting out new zygote heap
> 11-08 06:40:14.588: INFO/dalvikvm(541): System server process 569 has
> been created
> 11-08 06:40:14.597: INFO/Zygote(541): Accepting command socket
> connections
> 11-08 06:40:14.651: INFO/jdwp(569): received file descriptor 10 from
> 11-08 06:40:14.727: WARN/System.err(569): Can't dispatch DDM chunk
> 4d505251: no handler defined
> 11-08 06:40:14.758: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): Trying to load lib /system/
> lib/ 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:14.987: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): Added shared lib /system/lib/
> 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:15.058: INFO/sysproc(569): Entered system_init()
> 11-08 06:40:15.072: INFO/sysproc(569): ServiceManager: 0x4e638
> 11-08 06:40:15.097: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): SurfaceFlinger is
> starting
> 11-08 06:40:15.130: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): SurfaceFlinger's main
> thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
> 11-08 06:40:15.140: ERROR/MemoryHeapBase(569): error opening /dev/
> pmem: No such file or directory
> 11-08 06:40:15.161: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(569): Couldn't open /sys/
> power/wait_for_fb_sleep or /sys/power/wait_for_fb_wake
> 11-08 06:40:15.277: ERROR/GLLogger(569): couldn't load <>
> library (Cannot find library)
> 11-08 06:40:15.289: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): EGL informations:
> 11-08 06:40:15.289: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): # of configs : 6
> 11-08 06:40:15.289: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): vendor    : Android
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): version   : 1.31 Android
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): extensions:
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): Client API: OpenGL ES
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/EGLDisplaySurface(569): using (fd=22)
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/EGLDisplaySurface(569): id           =
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/EGLDisplaySurface(569): xres         = 320 px
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/EGLDisplaySurface(569): yres         = 480 px
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/EGLDisplaySurface(569): xres_virtual = 320 px
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/EGLDisplaySurface(569): yres_virtual = 960 px
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/EGLDisplaySurface(569): bpp          = 16
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/EGLDisplaySurface(569): r            = 11:5
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/EGLDisplaySurface(569): g            =  5:6
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/EGLDisplaySurface(569): b            =  0:5
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/EGLDisplaySurface(569): width        = 49 mm
> (165.877548 dpi)
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/EGLDisplaySurface(569): height       = 74 mm
> (164.756760 dpi)
> 11-08 06:40:15.298: INFO/EGLDisplaySurface(569): refresh rate = 60.00
> Hz
> 11-08 06:40:15.308: WARN/HAL(569): load: module=/system/lib/hw/
> error=Cannot find library
> 11-08 06:40:15.319: WARN/HAL(569): load: module=/system/lib/hw/
> error=Cannot find library
> 11-08 06:40:15.319: WARN/SurfaceFlinger(569): ro.sf.lcd_density not
> defined, using 160 dpi by default.
> 11-08 06:40:15.328: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): OpenGL informations:
> 11-08 06:40:15.328: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): vendor    : Android
> 11-08 06:40:15.328: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): renderer  : Android
> PixelFlinger 1.0
> 11-08 06:40:15.328: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): version   : OpenGL ES-CM
> 1.0
> 11-08 06:40:15.328: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): extensions:
> GL_OES_byte_coordinates GL_OES_fixed_point GL_OES_single_precision
> GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture
> GL_OES_draw_texture GL_OES_matrix_get GL_OES_query_matrix
> GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
> GL_ANDROID_direct_texture GL_ANDROID_user_clip_plane
> GL_ANDROID_vertex_buffer_object GL_ANDROID_generate_mipmap
> 11-08 06:40:15.328: WARN/HAL(569): load: module=/system/lib/hw/
> error=Cannot find library
> 11-08 06:40:15.328: WARN/HAL(569): load: module=/system/lib/hw/
> error=Cannot find library
> 11-08 06:40:15.328: WARN/HAL(569): load: module=/system/lib/hw/
> error=Cannot find library
> 11-08 06:40:15.328: WARN/HAL(569): load: module=/system/lib/hw/
> error=Cannot find library
> 11-08 06:40:15.348: INFO/sysproc(569): System server: starting Android
> runtime.
> 11-08 06:40:15.348: INFO/sysproc(569): System server: starting Android
> services.
> 11-08 06:40:15.358: INFO/SystemServer(569): Entered the Android system
> server!
> 11-08 06:40:15.377: INFO/sysproc(569): System server: entering thread
> pool.
> 11-08 06:40:15.417: ERROR/GLLogger(569): couldn't load <>
> library (Cannot find library)
> 11-08 06:40:15.437: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Power Manager.
> 11-08 06:40:15.498: INFO/ARMAssembler(569): generated
> scanline__00000077:03545404_00000A01_00000000 [ 30 ipp] (51 ins) at
> [0x190698:0x190764] in 5918410 ns
> 11-08 06:40:15.498: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Activity Manager.
> 11-08 06:40:15.658: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting telephony
> registry
> 11-08 06:40:15.668: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Package Manager.
> 11-08 06:40:15.688: INFO/Installer(569): connecting...
> 11-08 06:40:15.699: INFO/installd(543): new connection
> 11-08 06:40:15.768: INFO/PackageManager(569): Got library android.awt
> in /system/framework/android.awt.jar
> 11-08 06:40:15.778: INFO/PackageManager(569): Got library
> android.test.runner in /system/framework/android.test.runner.jar
> 11-08 06:40:15.778: INFO/PackageManager(569): Got library
> in /system/framework/
> 11-08 06:40:16.078: DEBUG/PackageManager(569): Scanning app dir /
> system/framework
> 11-08 06:40:16.267: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): GC freed 6112 objects /
> 258584 bytes in 98ms
> 11-08 06:40:16.368: DEBUG/PackageManager(569): Scanning app dir /
> system/app
> 11-08 06:40:17.388: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): GC freed 3503 objects /
> 209272 bytes in 84ms
> 11-08 06:40:17.518: DEBUG/PackageManager(569): Scanning app dir /data/
> app
> 11-08 06:40:17.677: DEBUG/PackageManager(569): Scanning app dir /data/
> app-private
> 11-08 06:40:17.677: INFO/PackageManager(569): Time to scan packages:
> 1.653 seconds
> 11-08 06:40:17.687: WARN/PackageManager(569): Not granting permission
> android.permission.CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES to package
> com.example.GPSTest (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x44)
> 11-08 06:40:17.687: WARN/PackageManager(569): Unknown permission
> in package
> 11-08 06:40:17.699: WARN/PackageManager(569): Unknown permission
> in package
> 11-08 06:40:17.699: WARN/PackageManager(569): Unknown permission
> in package
> 11-08 06:40:17.708: WARN/PackageManager(569): Unknown permission
> in
> package
> 11-08 06:40:17.708: WARN/PackageManager(569): Unknown permission
> in
> package
> 11-08 06:40:17.708: WARN/PackageManager(569): Unknown permission
> in
> package
> 11-08 06:40:17.718: WARN/PackageManager(569): Unknown permission
> in package
> 11-08 06:40:17.718: WARN/PackageManager(569): Unknown permission
> in package
> 11-08 06:40:17.718: WARN/PackageManager(569): Unknown permission
> in package
> 11-08 06:40:17.728: WARN/PackageManager(569): Not granting permission
> android.permission.CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES to package
> (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x44)
> 11-08 06:40:17.728: WARN/PackageManager(569): Unknown permission
> in package
> 11-08 06:40:17.738: WARN/PackageManager(569): Not granting permission
> android.permission.CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES to package com.example
> (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x44)
> 11-08 06:40:17.738: WARN/PackageManager(569): Unknown permission
> in package
> 11-08 06:40:17.918: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): GC freed 3756 objects /
> 217440 bytes in 79ms
> 11-08 06:40:17.938: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Content Manager.
> 11-08 06:40:18.087: WARN/ActivityManager(569): Unable to start service
> Intent { action=android.accounts.IAccountsService comp=
> {
>} }: not found
> 11-08 06:40:18.087: WARN/AccountMonitor(569): Couldn't connect to
> Intent { action=android.accounts.IAccountsService comp=
> {
>} } (Missing service?)
> 11-08 06:40:18.098: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting System Content
> Providers.
> 11-08 06:40:18.098: INFO/ActivityThread(569): Publishing provider
> settings:
> 11-08 06:40:18.137: INFO/ActivityThread(569): Publishing provider
> sync: android.content.SyncProvider
> 11-08 06:40:18.137: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Battery Service.
> 11-08 06:40:18.147: ERROR/BatteryService(569): Could not open '/sys/
> class/power_supply/usb/online'
> 11-08 06:40:18.157: ERROR/BatteryService(569): Could not open '/sys/
> class/power_supply/battery/batt_vol'
> 11-08 06:40:18.157: ERROR/BatteryService(569): Could not open '/sys/
> class/power_supply/battery/batt_temp'
> 11-08 06:40:18.167: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Hardware Service.
> 11-08 06:40:18.177: DEBUG/qemud(546): fdhandler_accept_event:
> accepting on fd 10
> 11-08 06:40:18.177: DEBUG/qemud(546): created client 0x10fd8 listening
> on fd 11
> 11-08 06:40:18.177: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_fd_receive: attempting
> registration for service 'hw-control'
> 11-08 06:40:18.177: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_fd_receive:    ->
> received channel id 2
> 11-08 06:40:18.187: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_registration:
> registration succeeded for client 2
> 11-08 06:40:18.307: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Alarm Manager.
> 11-08 06:40:18.328: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Sensor Service.
> 11-08 06:40:18.338: DEBUG/qemud(546): fdhandler_accept_event:
> accepting on fd 10
> 11-08 06:40:18.338: DEBUG/qemud(546): created client 0x11028 listening
> on fd 12
> 11-08 06:40:18.338: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_fd_receive: attempting
> registration for service 'sensors'
> 11-08 06:40:18.348: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_fd_receive:    ->
> received channel id 3
> 11-08 06:40:18.358: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_registration:
> registration succeeded for client 3
> 11-08 06:40:18.368: DEBUG/qemud(546): fdhandler_event: disconnect on
> fd 12
> 11-08 06:40:18.368: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Window Manager.
> 11-08 06:40:18.448: DEBUG/qemud(546): fdhandler_accept_event:
> accepting on fd 10
> 11-08 06:40:18.448: DEBUG/qemud(546): created client 0x11028 listening
> on fd 12
> 11-08 06:40:18.457: INFO/EventHub(569): New device: path=/dev/input/
> event0 name=qwerty2 id=0x10000 (of 0x1) index=1 fd=44 classes=0xf
> 11-08 06:40:18.467: INFO/EventHub(569): New keyboard: publicID=65536
> device->id=65536 devname='qwerty2' propName='hw.keyboards.
> 65536.devname' keylayout='/system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl'
> 11-08 06:40:18.467: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_fd_receive: attempting
> registration for service 'sensors'
> 11-08 06:40:18.477: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_fd_receive:    ->
> received channel id 4
> 11-08 06:40:18.487: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_registration:
> registration succeeded for client 4
> 11-08 06:40:18.498: ERROR/EventHub(569): could not get driver version
> for /dev/input/mouse0, Not a typewriter
> 11-08 06:40:18.498: DEBUG/qemud(546): fdhandler_event: disconnect on
> fd 12
> 11-08 06:40:18.508: DEBUG/SensorManager(569): found sensor: Goldfish 3-
> axis Accelerometer, handle=0
> 11-08 06:40:18.528: ERROR/EventHub(569): could not get driver version
> for /dev/input/mice, Not a typewriter
> 11-08 06:40:18.528: INFO/KeyInputQueue(569): Device added: id=0x0,
> name=qwerty2, classes=f
> 11-08 06:40:18.528: INFO/KeyInputQueue(569):   X: unknown values
> 11-08 06:40:18.537: INFO/KeyInputQueue(569):   Y: unknown values
> 11-08 06:40:18.537: INFO/KeyInputQueue(569):   Pressure: unknown
> values
> 11-08 06:40:18.537: INFO/KeyInputQueue(569):   Size: unknown values
> 11-08 06:40:18.587: INFO/SystemServer(569): Registering null Bluetooth
> Service (emulator)
> 11-08 06:40:18.597: ERROR/System(569): Failure starting core service
> 11-08 06:40:18.597: ERROR/System(569): java.lang.SecurityException
> 11-08 06:40:18.597: ERROR/System(569):     at
> android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
> 11-08 06:40:18.597: ERROR/System(569):     at
> android.os.ServiceManagerProxy.addService(
> 146)
> 11-08 06:40:18.597: ERROR/System(569):     at
> android.os.ServiceManager.addService(
> 11-08 06:40:18.597: ERROR/System(569):     at
> 11-08 06:40:18.607: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(569): Crash logging skipped,
> no checkin service
> 11-08 06:40:18.607: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Status Bar
> Service.
> 11-08 06:40:18.788: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Clipboard
> Service.
> 11-08 06:40:18.788: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Input Method
> Service.
> 11-08 06:40:18.829: WARN/ResourceType(569): No package identifier when
> getting value for resource number 0x7f060000
> 11-08 06:40:18.838: WARN/ResourceType(569): No package identifier when
> getting value for resource number 0x7f060001
> 11-08 06:40:18.848: INFO/InputManagerService(569): Enabled input
> methods:
> 11-08 06:40:18.888: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting NetStat Service.
> 11-08 06:40:18.900: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Connectivity
> Service.
> 11-08 06:40:18.958: INFO/WifiService(569): WifiService starting up
> with Wi-Fi disabled
> 11-08 06:40:18.997: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Notification
> Manager.
> 11-08 06:40:19.007: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Mount Service.
> 11-08 06:40:19.017: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting
> DeviceStorageMonitor service
> 11-08 06:40:19.047: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Location Manager.
> 11-08 06:40:19.057: DEBUG/libhardware_legacy(569): using QEMU GPS
> Hardware emulation
> 11-08 06:40:19.067: WARN/GpsLocationProvider(569): Could not open GPS
> configuration file /etc/gps.conf
> 11-08 06:40:19.078: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(569): enable
> 11-08 06:40:19.088: DEBUG/qemud(546): fdhandler_accept_event:
> accepting on fd 10
> 11-08 06:40:19.088: DEBUG/qemud(546): created client 0x11028 listening
> on fd 12
> 11-08 06:40:19.088: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_fd_receive: attempting
> registration for service 'gps'
> 11-08 06:40:19.098: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_fd_receive:    ->
> received channel id 5
> 11-08 06:40:19.108: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_registration:
> registration succeeded for client 5
> 11-08 06:40:19.137: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(569): GpsEventThread
> starting
> 11-08 06:40:19.159: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Search Service.
> 11-08 06:40:19.168: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Checkin Service.
> 11-08 06:40:19.168: WARN/ActivityManager(569): Unable to start service
> Intent { comp={
>} }: not found
> 11-08 06:40:19.168: WARN/SystemServer(569): Using fallback Checkin
> Service.
> 11-08 06:40:19.178: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Wallpaper Service
> 11-08 06:40:19.188: DEBUG/WallpaperService(569): WallpaperService
> startup
> 11-08 06:40:19.198: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting Audio Service
> 11-08 06:40:19.378: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): Trying to load lib /system/
> lib/ 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:19.388: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): Added shared lib /system/lib/
> 0x0
> 11-08 06:40:19.409: WARN/AudioService(569): Soundpool could not load
> file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg
> 11-08 06:40:19.409: WARN/AudioService(569): Soundpool could not load
> file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressStandard.ogg
> 11-08 06:40:19.417: WARN/AudioService(569): Soundpool could not load
> file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressSpacebar.ogg
> 11-08 06:40:19.417: WARN/AudioService(569): Soundpool could not load
> file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressDelete.ogg
> 11-08 06:40:19.417: WARN/AudioService(569): Soundpool could not load
> file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg
> 11-08 06:40:19.427: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting HeadsetObserver
> 11-08 06:40:19.437: WARN/HeadsetObserver(569): This kernel does not
> have wired headset support
> 11-08 06:40:19.437: INFO/SystemServer(569): Starting AppWidget Service
> 11-08 06:40:19.517: INFO/WindowManager(569): Menu key state: 0
> safeMode=false
> 11-08 06:40:19.538: INFO/WindowManager(569): Config changed:
> { scale=1.0 imsi=0/0 locale=en_US touch=3 key=2/1/2 nav=3 orien=1 }
> 11-08 06:40:19.568: WARN/ActivityManager(569): Unable to start service
> Intent { action=android.accounts.IAccountsService comp=
> {
>} }: not found
> 11-08 06:40:19.578: ERROR/LockPatternKeyguardView(569): Failed to bind
> to GLS while checking for account
> 11-08 06:40:19.587: DEBUG/PowerManagerService(569): system ready!
> 11-08 06:40:19.597: WARN/ResourceType(569): No package identifier when
> getting value for resource number 0x7f030003
> 11-08 06:40:19.728: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): GC freed 3982 objects /
> 237456 bytes in 103ms
> 11-08 06:40:19.897: WARN/ResourceType(569): No package identifier when
> getting value for resource number 0x7f030000
> 11-08 06:40:19.928: WARN/ResourceType(569): No package identifier when
> getting value for resource number 0x7f03000c
> 11-08 06:40:19.938: DEBUG/ActivityManager(569): Start running!
> 11-08 06:40:20.028: INFO/Zygote(569): Process: zygote socket opened
> 11-08 06:40:20.057: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Start proc
> for added application pid=609
> uid=1001 gids={3002, 3001, 3003}
> 11-08 06:40:20.067: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Starting activity:
> Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN categories=
> {android.intent.category.HOME} flags=0x10000000 comp=
> {} }
> 11-08 06:40:20.137: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Start proc
> android.process.acore for activity
> pid=611 uid=10003 gids={3003}
> 11-08 06:40:20.188: WARN/ResourceType(569): No package identifier when
> getting value for resource number 0x00000000
> 11-08 06:40:20.207: WARN/StatusBar(569): Icon not found in <system>: 0
> 11-08 06:40:20.387: INFO/jdwp(611): received file descriptor 10 from
> 11-08 06:40:20.419: INFO/jdwp(609): received file descriptor 20 from
> 11-08 06:40:20.527: WARN/System.err(609): Can't dispatch DDM chunk
> 46454154: no handler defined
> 11-08 06:40:20.538: WARN/System.err(609): Can't dispatch DDM chunk
> 4d505251: no handler defined
> 11-08 06:40:20.608: WARN/System.err(611): Can't dispatch DDM chunk
> 4d505251: no handler defined
> 11-08 06:40:20.659: DEBUG/qemud(546): fdhandler_accept_event:
> accepting on fd 10
> 11-08 06:40:20.668: DEBUG/qemud(546): created client 0xc038 listening
> on fd 13
> 11-08 06:40:20.668: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_fd_receive: attempting
> registration for service 'sensors'
> 11-08 06:40:20.668: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_fd_receive:    ->
> received channel id 6
> 11-08 06:40:20.687: DEBUG/qemud(546): client_registration:
> registration succeeded for client 6
> 11-08 06:40:21.557: DEBUG/StatusBar(569): updateResources
> 11-08 06:40:21.918: INFO/ActivityThread(611): Publishing provider
> user_dictionary:
> 11-08 06:40:21.967: INFO/WindowManager(569): onOrientationChanged,
> rotation changed to 0
> 11-08 06:40:22.078: INFO/ActivityThread(609): Publishing provider mms-
> sms:
> 11-08 06:40:22.268: INFO/ActivityThread(611): Publishing provider
> 11-08 06:40:22.558: INFO/ActivityThread(609): Publishing provider mms:
> 11-08 06:40:22.597: INFO/ActivityThread(609): Publishing provider
> telephony:
> 11-08 06:40:22.728: INFO/ActivityThread(609): Publishing provider sms:
> 11-08 06:40:22.748: INFO/ActivityThread(611): Publishing provider
> contacts;call_log:
> 11-08 06:40:22.908: INFO/ActivityThread(609): Publishing provider sim:
> 11-08 06:40:23.467: WARN/ActivityManager(569): Unable to start service
> Intent { action=android.accounts.IAccountsService comp=
> {
>} }: not found
> 11-08 06:40:23.498: WARN/AccountMonitor(611): Couldn't connect to
> Intent { action=android.accounts.IAccountsService comp=
> {
>} } (Missing service?)
> 11-08 06:40:23.528: INFO/ActivityThread(611): Publishing provider
> 11-08 06:40:24.238: ERROR/ApplicationContext(569): Couldn't create
> directory for SharedPreferences file shared_prefs/wallpaper-hints.xml
> 11-08 06:40:24.447: WARN/ActivityManager(569): Unable to start service
> Intent { }: not found
> 11-08 06:40:24.619: DEBUG/PhoneApp(609): Resetting audio state/mode:
> 11-08 06:40:25.097: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Start proc
> for broadcast
> pid=634 uid=10015 gids=
> {3003}
> 11-08 06:40:25.107: DEBUG/AlarmManagerService(569): Kernel timezone
> updated to 0 minutes west of GMT
> 11-08 06:40:25.608: INFO/jdwp(634): received file descriptor 10 from
> 11-08 06:40:26.677: DEBUG/dalvikvm(611): GC freed 2960 objects /
> 198104 bytes in 578ms
> 11-08 06:40:27.628: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611): load applications
> 11-08 06:40:27.648: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611): loading user items
> 11-08 06:40:27.648: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611):   --> starting workspace
> loader
> 11-08 06:40:28.087: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Displayed activity
> 7987 ms
> 11-08 06:40:28.128: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(569): Boot is finished (13027
> ms)
> 11-08 06:40:28.128: INFO/WindowManager(569): Config changed:
> { scale=1.0 imsi=0/0 locale=en_US touch=3 key=2/1/2 nav=3 orien=1 }
> 11-08 06:40:28.128: DEBUG/vold(538): Accepted connection from
> framework
> 11-08 06:40:28.138: DEBUG/vold(538): dispatch_cmd(send_ums_status):
> 11-08 06:40:28.138: DEBUG/MountListener(569): handleEvent
> volume_nomedia:/sdcard
> 11-08 06:40:28.597: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): GC freed 6216 objects /
> 295152 bytes in 459ms
> 11-08 06:40:28.777: DEBUG/MountListener(569): handleEvent ums_disabled
> 11-08 06:40:28.777: DEBUG/MountListener(569): handleEvent
> ums_disconnected
> 11-08 06:40:28.958: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Start proc
> for content provider
> pid=655 uid=10004 gids=
> {1006, 2001, 3003}
> 11-08 06:40:29.107: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Stopping service:
> 11-08 06:40:29.468: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611):   --> starting
> applications loader
> 11-08 06:40:30.128: INFO/ActivityThread(655): Publishing provider
> downloads:
> 11-08 06:40:30.388: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Start proc
> for broadcast
> pid=664 uid=10000 gids={}
> 11-08 06:40:30.498: INFO/ActivityThread(655): Publishing provider drm:
> 11-08 06:40:30.667: INFO/ActivityThread(655): Publishing provider
> media:
> 11-08 06:40:30.677: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(652): >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> 11-08 06:40:30.777: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(652): CheckJNI is ON
> 11-08 06:40:30.968: VERBOSE/MediaProvider(655): Attached volume:
> internal
> 11-08 06:40:31.238: INFO/ActivityThread(664): Publishing provider
> 11-08 06:40:31.758: DEBUG/ActivityManager(569):
> checkComponentPermission() adjusting {pid,uid} to {542,1013}
> 11-08 06:40:31.877: DEBUG/ActivityManager(569):
> checkComponentPermission() adjusting {pid,uid} to {542,1013}
> 11-08 06:40:31.928: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): GREF has increased to 201
> 11-08 06:40:31.967: DEBUG/ActivityManager(569):
> checkComponentPermission() adjusting {pid,uid} to {542,1013}
> 11-08 06:40:32.028: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(652): --- registering native
> functions ---
> 11-08 06:40:32.067: DEBUG/ActivityManager(569):
> checkComponentPermission() adjusting {pid,uid} to {542,1013}
> 11-08 06:40:32.167: ERROR/MediaPlayerService(542): Couldn't open fd
> for content://settings/system/notification_sound
> 11-08 06:40:32.188: ERROR/MediaPlayer(569): Unable to to create media
> player
> 11-08 06:40:32.198: WARN/NotificationService(569): error loading sound
> for content://settings/system/notification_sound
> 11-08 06:40:32.198: WARN/NotificationService(569):
> setDataSource failed.: status=0x80000000
> 11-08 06:40:32.198: WARN/NotificationService(569):     at
> Method)
> 11-08 06:40:32.198: WARN/NotificationService(569):     at
> 11-08 06:40:32.198: WARN/NotificationService(569):     at
> 11-08 06:40:33.018: DEBUG/MediaScannerService(655): start scanning
> volume internal
> 11-08 06:40:34.328: DEBUG/dalvikvm(609): GC freed 2888 objects /
> 181784 bytes in 251ms
> 11-08 06:40:34.418: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Stopping service:
> 11-08 06:40:34.567: DEBUG/MediaScanner(655): opendir /system/media/
> failed, errno: 2
> 11-08 06:40:34.628: DEBUG/MediaScanner(655):  prescan time: 1247ms
> 11-08 06:40:34.658: DEBUG/MediaScanner(655):     scan time: 163ms
> 11-08 06:40:34.658: DEBUG/MediaScanner(655): postscan time: 0ms
> 11-08 06:40:34.658: DEBUG/MediaScanner(655):    total time: 1410ms
> 11-08 06:40:34.717: DEBUG/MediaScannerService(655): done scanning
> volume internal
> 11-08 06:40:34.717: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Stopping service:
> 11-08 06:40:34.868: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Stopping service:
> 11-08 06:40:35.137: INFO/Resources(609): Loaded time zone names for
> en_US in 9809ms.
> 11-08 06:40:35.147: DEBUG/SystemClock(609): Setting time of day to
> sec=1257662424
> 11-08 06:40:24.854: WARN/SystemClock(609): Unable to set rtc to
> 1257662424: Invalid argument
> 11-08 06:40:25.141: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): GC freed 8583 objects /
> 637672 bytes in 189ms
> 11-08 06:40:25.221: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(569): state:
> DISCONNECTED apnName: null reason: radioTurnedOff
> 11-08 06:40:25.252: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(569): state:
> DISCONNECTED apnName: null reason: gprsDetached
> 11-08 06:40:25.642: ERROR/ActivityThread(609): Failed to find provider
> info for android.server.checkin
> 11-08 06:40:25.652: WARN/Checkin(609): Can't update stat
> PHONE_GSM_REGISTERED: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL
> content://android.server.checkin/stats
> 11-08 06:40:25.911: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): GC freed 1951 objects / 76248
> bytes in 120ms
> 11-08 06:40:25.943: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(569): state:
> DISCONNECTED apnName: null reason: null
> 11-08 06:40:25.982: DEBUG/StatusBar(569): updateResources
> 11-08 06:40:26.052: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611):   --> wait for
> applications loader
> 11-08 06:40:26.411: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Stopping service:
> 11-08 06:40:26.443: DEBUG/TelephonyProvider(609): Setting numeric
> '310260' to be the current operator
> 11-08 06:40:26.501: ERROR/ActivityThread(609): Failed to find provider
> info for android.server.checkin
> 11-08 06:40:26.511: WARN/Checkin(609): Can't update stat
> PHONE_GPRS_ATTEMPTED: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL
> content://android.server.checkin/stats
> 11-08 06:40:26.533: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(569): state: CONNECTING
> apnName: reason: simLoaded
> 11-08 06:40:26.581: ERROR/ActivityThread(609): Failed to find provider
> info for android.server.checkin
> 11-08 06:40:26.581: WARN/Checkin(609): Can't update stat
> PHONE_GPRS_CONNECTED: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL
> content://android.server.checkin/stats
> 11-08 06:40:26.591: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(569): CONNECTED event
> did not supply interface name.
> 11-08 06:40:26.591: DEBUG/MobileDataStateTracker(569): DNS server
> addresses are not known.
> 11-08 06:40:26.613: DEBUG/GpsLocationProvider(569): state: CONNECTED
> apnName: reason: simLoaded
> 11-08 06:40:26.831: DEBUG/dalvikvm(611): GC freed 3350 objects /
> 223968 bytes in 438ms
> 11-08 06:40:26.921: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Stopping service:
> 11-08 06:40:27.081: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611): load applications
> 11-08 06:40:27.081: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611): loading user items
> 11-08 06:40:27.081: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611):   --> starting workspace
> loader
> 11-08 06:40:27.363: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611):   --> starting
> applications loader
> 11-08 06:40:27.442: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Stopping service:
> 11-08 06:40:28.471: DEBUG/PackageParser(569): Scanning package: /data/
> app/vmdl52019.tmp
> 11-08 06:40:28.932: INFO/PackageManager(569): Removing non-system
> package:com.example.testing
> 11-08 06:40:28.932: DEBUG/PackageManager(569): Removing package
> com.example.testing
> 11-08 06:40:28.932: DEBUG/PackageManager(569):   Activities:
> com.example.testing.testing
> 11-08 06:40:29.001: DEBUG/PackageManager(569): Scanning package
> com.example.testing
> 11-08 06:40:29.012: INFO/PackageManager(569): /data/app/vmdl52019.tmp
> changed; unpacking
> 11-08 06:40:29.022: DEBUG/installd(543): DexInv: --- BEGIN '/data/app/
> vmdl52019.tmp' ---
> 11-08 06:40:29.471: DEBUG/dalvikvm(690): DexOpt: load 244ms, verify
> 49ms, opt 1ms
> 11-08 06:40:29.493: DEBUG/installd(543): DexInv: --- END '/data/app/
> vmdl52019.tmp' (success) ---
> 11-08 06:40:29.592: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): GC freed 4620 objects /
> 283112 bytes in 392ms
> 11-08 06:40:29.602: DEBUG/PackageManager(569):   Activities:
> com.example.testing.testing
> 11-08 06:40:29.692: INFO/installd(543): move /data/dalvik-cache/
> d...@a...@vmdl52019....@classes.dex -> /data/dalvik-cache/
> d...@a...@com.example.testing....@classes.dex
> 11-08 06:40:29.703: DEBUG/PackageManager(569): New package installed
> in /data/app/com.example.testing.apk
> 11-08 06:40:29.783: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(652): Shutting down VM
> 11-08 06:40:29.783: DEBUG/dalvikvm(652): DestroyJavaVM waiting for non-
> daemon threads to exit
> 11-08 06:40:29.792: DEBUG/dalvikvm(652): DestroyJavaVM shutting VM
> down
> 11-08 06:40:29.792: DEBUG/dalvikvm(652): HeapWorker thread shutting
> down
> 11-08 06:40:29.792: DEBUG/dalvikvm(652): HeapWorker thread has shut
> down
> 11-08 06:40:29.792: DEBUG/jdwp(652): JDWP shutting down net...
> 11-08 06:40:29.802: DEBUG/dalvikvm(652): VM cleaning up
> 11-08 06:40:29.812: DEBUG/ActivityManager(569): Uninstalling process
> com.example.testing
> 11-08 06:40:29.831: DEBUG/dalvikvm(652): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 627404
> of 4194304 (14%)
> 11-08 06:40:29.882: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611): application intent
> received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED, replacing=true
> 11-08 06:40:29.882: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611):   -->
> package:com.example.testing
> 11-08 06:40:29.932: WARN/ResourceType(569): No package identifier when
> getting value for resource number 0x7f060000
> 11-08 06:40:29.942: WARN/ResourceType(569): No package identifier when
> getting value for resource number 0x7f060001
> 11-08 06:40:29.952: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611): application intent
> received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED, replacing=true
> 11-08 06:40:29.952: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611):   -->
> package:com.example.testing
> 11-08 06:40:29.952: DEBUG/HomeLoaders(611):   --> update package
> com.example.testing
> 11-08 06:40:30.022: WARN/ResourceType(569): No package identifier when
> getting value for resource number 0x7f060000
> 11-08 06:40:30.022: WARN/ResourceType(569): No package identifier when
> getting value for resource number 0x7f060001
> 11-08 06:40:30.252: DEBUG/dalvikvm(569): GC freed 2336 objects /
> 116968 bytes in 217ms
> 11-08 06:40:30.613: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(695): >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> 11-08 06:40:30.632: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(695): CheckJNI is ON
> 11-08 06:40:30.872: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(695): --- registering native
> functions ---
> 11-08 06:40:31.533: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Starting activity:
> Intent { flags=0x10000000 comp={com.example.testing/
> com.example.testing.testing} }
> 11-08 06:40:31.591: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(695): Shutting down VM
> 11-08 06:40:31.591: DEBUG/dalvikvm(695): DestroyJavaVM waiting for non-
> daemon threads to exit
> 11-08 06:40:31.613: DEBUG/dalvikvm(695): DestroyJavaVM shutting VM
> down
> 11-08 06:40:31.613: DEBUG/dalvikvm(695): HeapWorker thread shutting
> down
> 11-08 06:40:31.632: DEBUG/dalvikvm(695): HeapWorker thread has shut
> down
> 11-08 06:40:31.632: DEBUG/jdwp(695): JDWP shutting down net...
> 11-08 06:40:31.642: DEBUG/dalvikvm(695): VM cleaning up
> 11-08 06:40:31.712: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Start proc
> com.example.testing for activity com.example.testing/.testing: pid=703
> uid=10027 gids={3003}
> 11-08 06:40:31.752: DEBUG/dalvikvm(695): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 637060
> of 4194304 (15%)
> 11-08 06:40:31.832: WARN/System.err(634): Can't dispatch DDM chunk
> 46454154: no handler defined
> 11-08 06:40:31.842: WARN/System.err(634): Can't dispatch DDM chunk
> 4d505251: no handler defined
> 11-08 06:40:31.842: INFO/jdwp(655): received file descriptor 31 from
> 11-08 06:40:31.852: INFO/jdwp(664): received file descriptor 25 from
> 11-08 06:40:31.862: WARN/System.err(655): Can't dispatch DDM chunk
> 46454154: no handler defined
> 11-08 06:40:31.862: WARN/System.err(655): Can't dispatch DDM chunk
> 4d505251: no handler defined
> 11-08 06:40:31.892: WARN/System.err(664): Can't dispatch DDM chunk
> 46454154: no handler defined
> 11-08 06:40:31.892: WARN/System.err(664): Can't dispatch DDM chunk
> 4d505251: no handler defined
> 11-08 06:40:31.931: INFO/jdwp(703): received file descriptor 10 from
> 11-08 06:40:31.981: WARN/System.err(703): Can't dispatch DDM chunk
> 46454154: no handler defined
> 11-08 06:40:31.993: WARN/System.err(703): Can't dispatch DDM chunk
> 4d505251: no handler defined
> 11-08 06:40:32.211: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(703): Shutting down VM
> 11-08 06:40:32.211: WARN/dalvikvm(703): threadid=3: thread exiting
> with uncaught exception (group=0x4000fe70)
> 11-08 06:40:32.221: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703): Uncaught handler:
> thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo
> {com.example.testing/com.example.testing.testing}:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> 2268)
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> 2284)
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> android.os.Looper.loop(
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> (
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703): Caused by:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> com.example.testing.testing.onCreate(
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> 1123)
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     at
> 2231)
> 11-08 06:40:32.233: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(703):     ... 11 more
> 11-08 06:40:32.252: INFO/Process(569): Sending signal. PID: 703 SIG: 3
> 11-08 06:40:32.252: INFO/dalvikvm(703): threadid=7: reacting to signal
> 3
> 11-08 06:40:32.292: INFO/dalvikvm(703): Wrote stack trace to '/data/
> anr/traces.txt'
> 11-08 06:40:32.452: INFO/ARMAssembler(569): generated
> scanline__00000077:03515104_00000000_00000000 [ 27 ipp] (41 ins) at
> [0x216c30:0x216cd4] in 5380940 ns
> 11-08 06:40:41.590: WARN/ActivityManager(569): Launch timeout has
> expired, giving up wake lock!
> 11-08 06:40:42.062: WARN/ActivityManager(569): Activity idle timeout
> for HistoryRecord{4369db28 {com.example.testing/
> com.example.testing.testing}}
> 11-08 06:40:47.162: DEBUG/dalvikvm(609): GC freed 3946 objects /
> 223880 bytes in 95ms
> 11-08 06:40:52.222: DEBUG/dalvikvm(634): GC freed 2817 objects /
> 161064 bytes in 143ms
> 11-08 06:40:57.181: DEBUG/dalvikvm(655): GC freed 2819 objects /
> 173336 bytes in 97ms
> 11-08 06:41:05.182: DEBUG/dalvikvm(611): GC freed 3813 objects /
> 225968 bytes in 92ms
> 11-08 06:41:27.881: DEBUG/KeyguardViewMediator(569): pokeWakelock
> (5000)
> 11-08 06:41:32.114: WARN/KeyCharacterMap(569): No keyboard for id 0
> 11-08 06:41:32.114: WARN/KeyCharacterMap(569): Using default keymap: /
> system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
> 11-08 06:41:32.121: DEBUG/KeyguardViewMediator(569): pokeWakelock
> (5000)
> 11-08 06:41:32.182: INFO/ARMAssembler(569): generated
> scanline__00000077:03545404_00000A04_00000000 [ 29 ipp] (51 ins) at
> [0x2123f8:0x2124c4] in 1235950 ns
> 11-08 06:41:33.421: INFO/Process(703): Sending signal. PID: 703 SIG: 9
> 11-08 06:41:33.433: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Process
> com.example.testing (pid 703) has died.
> 11-08 06:41:33.582: INFO/ActivityManager(569): Start proc
> for service
> pid=710 uid=10003 gids={3003}
> 11-08 06:41:33.653: INFO/ARMAssembler(569): generated
> scanline__00000077:03515104_00001001_00000000 [ 64 ipp] (84 ins) at
> [0x212c48:0x212d98] in 1326630 ns
> 11-08 06:41:33.801: INFO/jdwp(710): received file descriptor 10 from
> 11-08 06:41:33.862: WARN/System.err(710): Can't dispatch DDM chunk
> 4d505251: no handler defined
> 11-08 06:41:34.122: DEBUG/dalvikvm(710): Trying to load lib /system/
> lib/ 0x43598a30
> 11-08 06:41:34.131: DEBUG/dalvikvm(710): Added shared lib /system/lib/
> 0x43598a30

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