[android-developers] Re: Searching for a String Within a ListView

2011-08-16 Thread Musa Shaft
"it would not requery when I deleted characters from my search edit text field." use listAdapter.notifyDatachanged(); this will force the list to requery its data source. You'll have to implement your own search algorithm in order to have the results you want as the default listview search only pr

[android-developers] Re: Searching for a String Within a ListView

2011-08-16 Thread usafrmajor
Tried this and it seems to work the same was as the other way except it would not requery when I deleted characters from my search edit text field. For clarification I would like to be able to search a string within text. For example if I have a list with the following through market weather

[android-developers] Re: Searching for a String Within a ListView

2011-08-15 Thread Musa Shaft
You could use listView.setTextFilterEnabled(true) to allow 'automatic' filtering then use listView.setFilterText("text typed in editText") to filter the list. Works for me. On Aug 15, 8:48 pm, usafrmajor wrote: > I currently have an EdittText box and this code for filtering a listview: > >