Hi Diego!

First of all, thanks for a nice example. Iam able to send files from my 
android device no a non-android device. But thats not  exactly what I am 
looking for. 

I have a device which supports the OBEX OPP, this has an send function for 
sending files to other bluetooth enabled devices. I want this device to 
send a file to my android phone. Do you know how I can do so? I've tried 
the Android Bluetooth chat example, but when I try to open a 
BluetoothServerSocket to this device, I only got a IOException. Could you 
help me? I've been trying this for weeks now, with no luck. 

I'd appreciate very much! 

Thanks in advance

kl. 19:40:03 UTC+2 tirsdag 16. august 2011 skrev Diego følgende:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to send files using Bluetooth on Android without any user 
> interaction (except for the mandatory ones for the first setup).
> I know that:
> - the reccomended method is using the ACTION_SEND Intent, but that 
> requires 
> user interaction;
> - there is no API to do so;
> - there are APIs for direct Input/OutputStream communication (Serial Port 
> Profile);
> - the system application (packages/apps/bluetooth) implements OPP profile 
> with 
> - there are applications that implement file tranfer over current APIs 
> (Androbex, Bluetooth File Transfer);
> - there seems to be a way to send files exploiting the bluetooth system 
> service 
> (packages/apps/bluetooth):
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5577481/sending-a-file-using-bluetooth-obex-
> object-push-profile-opp
> Has anybody been able to make the suggestion in the previous link to work? 
> I've attached the code of an example application that should do the same 
> thing 
> as the description, but nothing happens.
> If you want you can try the code (just remember to change the device name 
> to 
> one known by your smartphone).
> This approach seems to exploit how the system application internally works:
> http://tinyurl.com/3h2jfmv
> but doesn't seem to work (at least not in all the cases).
> I've tried also removing all the dependecies off the system bluetooth 
> application, but it's not really easy, even if I think it's possible.
> Thank you for any help!
> Regards,
> Diego

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