There are at least two other people who have encountered this problem:

Any ideas? Is it a bug?

At the very least, does anyone know of an open source app that uses a
Spinner on a layout from which another Activity can be launched?

On Jun 1, 9:17 pm, Ben Roberts <> wrote:
> I'm quoting an old message from last year because it's EXACTLY the
> problem I'm having:
> > Hi all,
> > I have a spinner in a dialog. Calling spinner.setSelection(int)
> > correctly sets the spinner just after opening the app. If I reopen the
> > dialog after making another spinner.setSelection(int) call, the
> > spinner shows the first item regardless of the selection being set,
> > BUT...
> > clicking on the spinner shows that the correct value is selected in
> > the list of options (green dot next to the item). Weird huh? Sometimes
> > when this happens, the spinner is cutting off parts of the text. Has
> > anyone else seen this happen?
> Since the last guy got no response, I'll give as much detail as I
> can... this is driving me nuts.
> I built a class to help me build a Spinner in a consistent manner to
> display a list of categories. After the objects are initialized, my
> Activity calls a method initCatSpinner which builds the ArrayAdapter
> and finishes initializing my Spinner.
> Called from onCreate and onActivityResult:
> mCategorySpinner = mCatSpinHelper.initCatSpinner(mCategoryId,
> catcursor);
> public Spinner initCatSpinner(long initial_category, Cursor
> all_categories) {
>         LinkedList<CategorySpinnerItem> categories = new
> LinkedList<CategorySpinnerItem>();
>         // Code to build this linked list from all_Categories is here,
> removed for brevity
>         // Code adds an "All" item to the top, builds a list of categories
> using catcursor, then adds a "Edit Categories" option to the end of
> the list
>         if(initial_category == ID_ALL) {
>                 mLastCategoryPosition=0;
>         }
>         // Build the spinner adapter and set up the Spinner
>         ArrayAdapter<CategorySpinnerItem> spinadapter = new
> ArrayAdapter<CategorySpinnerItem>(mCtx,
>                         android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item,
>               ,
>                         categories);
>         spinadapter.setDropDownViewResource
> (android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item);
>         mCatSpinner.setAdapter(spinadapter);
>         mCatSpinner.setSelection(mLastCategoryPosition);
>         mCatSpinner.setPrompt(mCtx.getResources().getString
> (R.string.choose_category));
>         return mCatSpinner;
> }
> This works fine on two different activities when they are launched.
> One activity launches to show a list of all items in the category
> chosen by this spinner. From there I can launch another activity in a
> dialog to change the category of a selected item, and when I do this
> and return to the original activity I get the above symptoms. I still
> see a list of the items in the proper category, if I open the spinner
> the category that was originally selected is still selected, but the
> spinner item that's displayed on the widget itself is always the first
> one in the list! It also happens if I switch to another Activity then
> come back to this one.
> I've checked with Log output and mLastCategoryPosition IS being set
> correctly, so the setSelection call is passing the right data. I even
> tried calling SystemClock.sleep for a few hundred milliseconds
> thinking it might be a race condition, with no change. What's going on
> here? I'm using the 1.5r2 SDK.
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