The getChildAt(x) method of a list-view does not return the view of
item number 'x'. It returns, more or less, the 'x'th visible child-
view of your list-view.

If you want to access an item amongst all your possible items that can
be shown in your list-view, you have to access it throug the list-
view's adapter (ListAdapter class, BaseAdapter class, etc).

On Feb 2, 10:42 am, pink 444 <> wrote:
> Hi,
>     I have a listactivity in which i am displaying list of items more
> than 8 items.Thus there is scroll bar eneabled.
>    When i click on list items some times getChildAt returing wrong
> View from the list.
>   Why is it happening like that and how can i prevent from happening?
> Thanks in advance.

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