Well I've been searching for this information for a while and can't
find any resent real world numbers, the         Qualcomm® MSM7200A™, 528 MHz
is said to be able to produce 4 MPolys/sec but the only information I
can find for real "Phone" performance is more like 100 Kpolys/sec
which is just 2,5% of the stated possible performance. (These numbers
are old, mid 2008 from what I can find)
While I understand the JNI calls limit the speed a bit but can it
really be that much?
Quick math then says

4 Mpolys / 25 fps = 160000 polys for each frame

100 Kpolys / 25fps = 4000 polys for each frame

then on that you need to remove some since you probably want some
other stuff running as well so lest say half that a frame to keep a
steady 20fps+ and with the overhead of JNI also included, if the phone
then can't push out more than 100 Kpolys/sec you end up with maybe a
1000-2000 polys for each scene which is really limiting for a game
compared to maybe 60-80K polys.

Is there any real test numbers out there for the ADP1 as to what it
really can push out and if so how big difference is the Java OpenGL ES
calls via JNI compared to native code for OpenGL ES hooked from a

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