This is a request for another developer, probably with a US phone,
maybe a Hero to try out my Beta app and send me the log if it Force
It may be there is already a place where I can request this (getting a
log from another phone) - in which case apologies.

I have written an app (Hibernate (Alarm)) which is now in the Android
Market as a Beta.
It reads the system settings (changes a few), looks at whether the GPS
is enabled, lists all of the installed apps and turns on Airplane
Mode.  I don't believe I have done anything Google wouldn't approve
I tested it thoroughly both on the the emulator and on my G1 (T-Mobile
UK) and using JUnit.
I have also desk checked the code to here and infinity and for extra
inspiration banged my head on the same desk.  I have also considered/
tried other things such as varying phone settings and locale and
triple checked I have the correct permissions.
However several people have reported that it causes Force Close -
probably (they never give much detail) straight away.

What I am requesting:
I don't think I will ever manage to solve this with-out a log of the
error (or buying loads of phones) as I now believe it must be
something different in the phone (or more likely the Android build)
they are using.
So if some-one very kindly could download the app from the market (or
I'll happily email you the .apk) and email me the log (*) of it
failing it would really make my day.
Even just getting a detailed report on your phone and what you did
(especially at what point it failed) might help.
Lastly if any-one knows of any important issues specific to the UK T-
Mobile G1 (or major differences in other phones) I'd also really
appreciate that as it may give me a clue.

Remember you may be in this position one day - when I sincerely hope I
can return the favour (I'm in the UK that's how we spell favor).  In
fact I am offering to do exactly that now for any-one who asks.

Thanks in anticipation,


* - this is a developers forum so I hope I am assuming every-one knows
how to do this.  However I have found the SendLog app to be a really
easy way to send logs.

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