Hi, a quick question about copying internal-APIs to my own project.

hackbod has said that "There should be nothing the regular built-in
apps do that you can't do in your own apps, except for some carefully
considered scenarios, such as dialing an emergency phone number or
directly installing an app without user intervention.". That means
that the private-API's still use low-level APIs that are public? So I
can pull the sources for the android.speech.recognition.* package and
it should compile just fine against the public SDK? (ok, I guess I
have to pull some more "convenience classes that are part of the
system that aren't ready for public use" but you get the idea..). So I
can just include the classes in my application and I don't have to
fear that you change/remove them in a later release (since they all
use public APIs a the end of the day)?

My point is that if your speech recognition is good enough for you
that you use it in your own apps (voicedialer) then it surely is good
enough for me to use it in my application!

Open source programming has always been about (for me at least) "don't
invent the bicycle". If I add something to the code or fix a bug, I'll
submit a patch and if I don't change anything then I can just use the
code and be happy with it?

Or are you suggesting that I write my own speech rec from scratch and
then when you are happy with the state of your implementation of it
and release it as a public API, I can throw away my implementation and
use your version of it?

I just want to know the personal opinion of the Android team regarding
taking private-APIs and bundling them with our apps :)


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