I'm using a mediaplayer (http://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaPlayer.html) to playback a video. Everything works fine actually but I noticed that on a Samsung Galaxy S, despite that everything seems to run ok, I still see errors in the log, which I don't get on Nexus One or HTC Desire. (on 2.1update1)

For example "ERROR/OsclAsyncFile(12290): OsclAsyncFile::ConstructL!!", which seems to be related to the OpenCore framework, and the origin probably lies somewhere around

Is anybody else experiencing this on Samsung Galaxy S (I 9000) and having any idea why it occurs / how to avoid it? Maybe anything to pay attention to in the code of the mediaplayer api when using mediaplayer.

07-14 10:40:35.395: VERBOSE/AudioHardwareALSA(12290): ------------------------>>>>>> ALSA OPEN mode 0,device 2 07-14 10:40:35.410: INFO/AudioHardwareALSA(12290): Initialized ALSA PLAYBACK device AndroidPlayback_Speaker_normal 07-14 10:40:35.415: DEBUG/AudioHardwareALSA(12290): Set PLAYBACK PCM format to S16_LE (Signed 16 bit Little Endian) 07-14 10:40:35.415: DEBUG/AudioHardwareALSA(12290): Using 2 channels for PLAYBACK. 07-14 10:40:35.415: DEBUG/AudioHardwareALSA(12290): Set PLAYBACK sample rate to 44100 HZ
07-14 10:40:35.415: DEBUG/AudioHardwareALSA(12290): Buffer size: 4096
07-14 10:40:35.415: DEBUG/AudioHardwareALSA(12290): Latency: 92879
07-14 10:40:36.260: DEBUG/(12290): SISO TEST registering PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory 07-14 10:40:36.260: DEBUG/(12290): SISO TEST registering PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory success 07-14 10:40:36.260: DEBUG/(12290): SISO TEST PVOMA1FFRecognizerFactory::CreateRecognizerPlugin() 07-14 10:40:36.265: DEBUG/(12290): SISO TEST PVOMA1FFRecognizerFactory::CreateRecognizerPlugin() plugin found 07-14 10:40:36.265: DEBUG/(12290): SISO TEST PVOMA1FFRecognizerFactory::DestroyRecognizerPlugin()
07-14 10:40:36.290: ERROR/(12290): ASF_HeaderObjectLoad : ERROR code = 4
07-14 10:40:36.290: ERROR/OsclAsyncFile(12290): OsclAsyncFile::ConstructL!!
07-14 10:40:36.560: WARN/PlayerDriver(12290): Using generic video MIO
07-14 10:40:36.570: ERROR/OsclAsyncFile(12290): OsclAsyncFile::ConstructL!!
07-14 10:40:36.715: ERROR/OsclAsyncFile(12290):
07-14 10:40:36.950: ERROR/VideoMIO(12290): AndroidSurfaceOutput::setParametersSync() VIDEO RENDERER 1 07-14 10:41:10.215: DEBUG/(12290): SISO TEST registering PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory 07-14 10:41:10.215: DEBUG/(12290): SISO TEST registering PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory success 07-14 10:41:10.220: DEBUG/(12290): SISO TEST PVOMA1FFRecognizerFactory::CreateRecognizerPlugin() 07-14 10:41:10.220: DEBUG/(12290): SISO TEST PVOMA1FFRecognizerFactory::CreateRecognizerPlugin() plugin found 07-14 10:41:10.220: DEBUG/(12290): SISO TEST PVOMA1FFRecognizerFactory::DestroyRecognizerPlugin()
07-14 10:41:10.245: ERROR/(12290): ASF_HeaderObjectLoad : ERROR code = 4
07-14 10:41:10.245: ERROR/OsclAsyncFile(12290): OsclAsyncFile::ConstructL!!
07-14 10:41:10.525: WARN/PlayerDriver(12290): Using generic video MIO
07-14 10:41:10.535: ERROR/OsclAsyncFile(12290): OsclAsyncFile::ConstructL!!
07-14 10:41:10.680: ERROR/OsclAsyncFile(12290): OsclAsyncFile::ConstructL!!
07-14 10:41:10.835: ERROR/VideoMIO(12290): AndroidSurfaceOutput::setParametersSync() VIDEO RENDERER 1 07-14 10:41:13.040: INFO/AudioHardwareALSA(12290): Output standby called!!. Turn off PCM device.

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