Step 1:
I am subclassing WebView and rendering html content properly. The
intial content is very small with a div and image /link
This is displayed in a LInear Layout along with a TextView and
ListView. That is my first screen/activity of the application.

Step 2:
When I click on a link on this webview, it goes through the
webViewclient and expands to full screen to fit the content of the
requested page.

After Step 2, I am not able to go back to my activity screen once the
content is displayed.
When I click on the back button to getback to my activity screen
close my activity and goes to the phone's  applications desktop. (i.e
goes out of my application).

Step 3:
In order to fix this issue, I stopped setting my own subclasssed
WebViewClient.  After doing this, the it seems to render the clicked
page in a webView as subactivity. Now When I click on backbutton, it
goes back to the activity screen.   But, the issue now is, I am not
catch event when a link is clicked.   How can I catch click events in
this case.

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