My new tablet (Archos 101IT) thanks to a friend from college) allows you
to lock the screen orientation in either portrait or landscape, IF you
want to.  99% of the time, I like to keep it in landscape mode.  HOWEVER,
there are a few apps which really work best in portrait.  As it is now, I
have to go into settings and switch the orientation back to rotate with
the tablet.  What I'd LIKE to do is have an app in the launcher pro dock
that will change the setting to portrait, and then later set it back to
landscape.  Basically something similar to WiFi On/Off, Airplane mode
On/Off, etc....

Does anyone know if this is possible?  And if so, can you point me to
the right terms to search for in the dev guide?  I've only got a few
days to write this before I have to go into the hospital for cancer
surgery, and I'd like to have it working before then....

Note:  don't worry about users hating this, as I'm THE user.  :-)
I just want to write this for my own use.


73 DE N5IAL (/4)        | DMR: So fsck was originally called    |      something else.
< Running FreeBSD 7.0 > | Q:   What was it called?
ICBM / Hurricane:       | DMR: Well, the second letter was different.
   30.44406N 86.59909W  |    -- Dennis M. Ritchie, Usenix, June 1998.

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