Freedom of Humankind

I am a Stalker warrior and a believer in the Universal Love of our
Lord Jesus Christ and the Divine Justice of our beloved prophets Moses
and Mohammad and the Universal Wisdom of the Holly Beings the Buddha
and Confucius and a follower of the Teachings of the Humble Man of
Knowledge the Toltec Nagual Don Juan Mattus.

I have learned to stalk my self-importance in order to reach my real
self and become a humble being united with the universe. I have
assumed responsibility for my actions to make every act counts. I have
taken death as an advisor in order to appreciate the mystery of the
world that surrounds us. I have also learned to stalk my actions in
the first attention of the daily world to harness the energy of the
second attention of the other world and use it in stalking and
fighting petty tyrants of our time with the cosmic power of love,
justice, and wisdom.

The Financial Elite of the World are the worst petty tyrants of our
time, and the most evil and merciless ones among them all. They are
the evil minds who got so deep in their indulgence in self-importance
that they have strayed so far from their real self and transformed
into the modern black magicians who harnessed the evil side of the
first attention of the daily world and became masters in manipulating
the awareness of most human beings to such an extent that they made
them indulge in destructive acts of their own and got them away from
their real self so that they became miniature petty tyrants

The black magicians of our time have distorted the human beings’
perceptions of their own self-reflections emanating from the bondage
with the awareness of the universe. They should have mirrored the good
side of self-importance through the indulgence in the journey to the
unknown or the kingdom of heavens and the cosmic power of love,
justice, and wisdom. But instead, they have mirrored the bad side of
self-importance through the indulgence in material objects and the
destructive power of greed and lust that hindered them from
experiencing the real essence of the universe.

Total freedom is the gift of the Absolute Divine Deity that rules the
universe to human beings in order for them to soar beyond the phantom
world of self-reflection disguised in self-importance and transcend
beyond the gate of human attributes through breaking the shackles of
their self-importance to attain the second attention and journey on
the path of infinite order to reach the universal mind of the third
attention and become pure awareness.

The struggle against the Financial Elite of the World is a divine act
to free human beings from the bondage to their own distorted self-
reflections disguised in self-importance through the cosmic power
love, justice, and wisdom and lead them once again on the path of the
old which represented itself in the Holly Teachings of the Prophets
and Messengers of God the Almighty and the Universal Doctrines of the
ancient Holly Men of knowledge and wisdom.

We cannot attain our worldly freedom without breaking the chains of
bondage that the Financial Elite of the World have shackled us with.
It is our duty as free men and women to save ourselves and our fellow
human beings from the slavery to and greed and lust that prevails in
the daily world and bring back the Holly flame of Universal Love,
Divine Justice, Universal Wisdom, and the Humble Toltec Teachings into
this world.

It is our destiny as human beings to traverse the path of love,
justice, and wisdom and cleanse the world of petty tyrants in order to
bring peace and harmony to our daily world by challenging our self-
importance and destroying its shackles of bondage to greed and lust so
as to deserve the gift of total freedom and awareness.
                               Evil Minds

The evil minds of the Financial Elite of the world have created and
supported kingdoms and dictatorships all over the Arab Gulf at the
expense of the civil and human rights of peoples of the region in
order to enslave them, all but for the rapacious interests of
controlling oil wells of that strategic region without offering any
benefits to the majority of the populations of the western countries.

The evil minds of the Financial Elite of the world have spread
dissension between Jews and Moslems all over the world by creating a
Jewish state in the Moslem Arab Land of the native Palestine and
supported it with all kinds of weapons of mass destruction and backed
it up with all kinds of political endorsements at the expense of the
native Palestinians by depriving them of their civil and human rights,
although the Financial Elite were themselves the vicious minds that
invoked the Jewish genocide by supporting Hitler in the world war II
for the aim of gathering Jews from all over the world in the promised
land of Palestine to make it their advanced base for controlling the
oil of the Middle East and supporting the kingdoms and dictatorships
of the region that were under their vicious control without taking
into consideration the dangers posed on the interests of the majority
of the populations of the western countries.

The evil minds of the Financial Elite of the world have spread
dissention between Moslems and Christians all over the world by
creating and supporting all kinds of fanatic and extremist Moslem
terrorist groups and making them into monstrous killing machines
attacking Christian countries in Europe and the United States whose
terrorist attack on innocent civilians on the eleventh of September
2001 paved the way to invade Iraq and Afghanistan to control more oil
wells and put their hands on strategic regions and continue with their
devilish scheme in spreading sectarian dissention this time between
sunnites and shiites and making Arabs enemies to Persians in order to
divide Moslem countries in the Middle East amongst ethnic and
sectarian groups to make it easier to rule them and control their
lands which would end in jeopardizing the interests of the majority of
the populations of the western countries.

The evil minds of the Financial Elite of the world have succeeded in
joining Jews and Christians against Moslems although German Christians
were the ones who exterminated the Jews while the Arab Moslems and
Christians of the native Palestine were living in harmony with the
Jews throughout the ages, and would agree to live peacefully with them
once again under one government over the whole land of native
Palestine on condition that the Jews agree to give the Palestinians
all their  civil and human rights of living equally with them under
just rules that regard them equal fellow citizens and divide all
resources equally amongst Jews, Moslems, and Christian and allow the
native Palestinian refuges to return to their native home land and
become equal fellow citizens.

The evil minds of the Financial Elite of the world have turned the
successive governments of the United States of America into colonial
super powers in favor of the greed and lust of the rich against the
interests of the majority of the poor and middle class populations of
the United States. These governments imposed injustice over the whole
world through the support of kingdoms, dictatorship, and corrupt
regimes on behalf of the financial elite in order to overpower and
enslave the whole human race, while the United States should be the
heart and centre of the future United Governments of the World from
where Cosmic love, Justice, and wisdom must spread all over our
beloved mother earth so that harmony, peace, and love prevail amongst
all ethnic and religious groups of the human kind so that they become
one Cosmic Human Race.

The first step towards spreading Cosmic Justice in the world is by
electing a just and humane president of the United States of America
who has a cosmic view of the future world. Those attributes are found
in “Foster Gamble”, the Chosen Cosmic man to run for presidency in the
New and Just United States of America that will become the future
heart and centre of the United Governments of the World of Cosmic
                         Ten Basic Rules
                              Of the
         United Governments of the World

All human beings are equal creatures regardless of their color, race,
religion, or nationality.

No majority ethnic group have the right to persecute, overpower, or
rule other minority groups on the basis of religion, dogma, or creed,
and deprive them of their independence, sovereignty, and the right of
free opinion, speech, and worship.

National Borders and parliaments should get abolished and federal
global governments be installed; national armies and weapons
dismantled and global order and security police force formed; national
currencies and central banks abandoned and global currency and global
central bank comes forth; flags and anthems must go to history while
nationalism and patriotism should change to global citizenships.

All resources of our Mother Earth must be shared justly among each and
every global citizen according to his or her need, but considering
everyone’s level of competence, proficiency, ingenuity, and their
share of participation in enhancing the environment and the welfare of
the whole.

All global citizens have equal rights to get access to food, drink,
clothing, housing, employment, schooling, healthcare, and decent

All deserts, oceans, falls, windy regions on the surface of earth and
in the atmosphere, and highly advanced scientific free clean energy
producing instruments should become global power stations generating
common solar, wind, and free clean energy then distributed and sold
through interregional and intercontinental lines under proper global
cost so that each and every home, building, factory, machine, and
vehicle in the whole world gets its need of clean and eco-friendly
electricity and power regardless of all conditions.
Global fresh water should be distributed and sold through common
intercontinental and interregional pipes and canals under proper
global cost so that each and every region, city, town, and village in
the whole world whether it is in a desert or a remote arid place gets
its need of clean tap water regardless of all conditions.

Global crops must be planted and grown in fertile global plains and
lands according to global plans then distributed and sold under proper
global cost so that each and every global citizen gets access to clean
and healthy food according to his or her need regardless of all

Global hospitals, clinics, pension institutions, decent retirement
homes, schools, and universities should be all built and run
proficiently in rural and urban regions all over the world so that
each and every global citizen gets access to free education,
healthcare, and decent retirement.

Global housing projects distributed and sold under facilitated long
term global loans must get started along with industrial and
agricultural projects in rural and urban regions all over the world
and funded by the global bank so that each and every global citizen
gets access to live and work any where he wishes on our beloved planet
without any restrictions.

                              The Universal Being

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