Part Two

Adam Trombly: We were trying to demonstrate that by mimicking the
magnetic field of a planet and rotating this device we could actually
create a dynamo that would work. And in fact it did work, and it does

So when we contemplate nature, when we contemplate Jupitor or we
contemplate a dynamo like the earth rotating in space we are basically
taking about a magnet, which is rotating in space. And the line flux
of the magnet are pouring down and through, in the toroidal pattern of
the magnetic field.

It’s also expanding and contracting, it’s breathing. It’s taking in
the energy of space literally and transforming it.

Right here in the toroid we have enough energy to transform the entire
earth. And that’s not just a theoretical statement- it’s literally
true. Just contemplate the implications of this. It means that every
single place on earth suddenly has power. Every single person on earth
suddenly has power. We have universal abundance.

Foster Gamble: (Trombly) had been invited to demonstrate one of his
generators at the United Nations and the U.S. Senate, but these events
were undermined by the first Bush administration. Then the device
itself was taken in a government raid.

(Trembly’s) experience isn’t unique. Almost every time I found an
inventor with a promising new technology in the field of free energy,
he told a similar story of suppression.

Inventor (John Bendini) began working with (Tesla’s) theories of
“radiant energy” decades ago and has produced an assortment of battery-
charging device that generate more energy than it takes to run them.

He announced that he was going to start offering them at low cost.
Soon after that, he was attacked in his lab, and warned not to produce
the machines. For his own safety he had to let go of marketing free
energy devices.

These are all devices from labs I personally visited.

Now the quality of this footage is obviously poor, and I’m not
expecting this to convince you. My point is, that being there with
these inventors, accompanied by experts, and seeing these “new energy’
devices in operation convinced me that the technology is real… and the
implications of that to me are absolutely thrilling.

Canadian (John Huchison) not only created some free energy batteries,
but also used (Tesla’s) theories to counter gravity, to make objects
float. This could revolutionize the field of propulsion. His lab was
raided and equipment was taken by police and government officials in
1978, 1980, and again in 2000.

One of the scientists we were going to interview for this film was
(Dr. Eugene Mallove), an engineer from (MIT) and Harvard, and editor
of “INFINITE ENERGY” magazine, which covers both theoretical and
technological developments in the “new energy” field. He was
mysteriously beaten to death in 2004.

If these inventors were all hoaxers and charlatans, I wondered, why
are they being suppressed so consistently and so brutally?

I asked free-energy inventor (Adam Trombly) why he thought this
technology was being suppressed and if the (UFO) phenomenon was

Adam Trombly: We’ve had major people at great risk to themselves say,
“Yes, these things are real.” Why do you think the military industrial
complex doesn’t want that statement to be made? Because you start
thinking about what kind of technology is behind that. That’s the
bottom line. The suppression of (UFO) phenomenon is hand in hand with
suppression of so-called free energy.

Stephen Greer: The energy is extracted from the fabric of the space
around us, which means it cannot be metered. That is a direct threat
to the single largest industry in the world: energy.

It’s goodbye (Exxon Mobil), goodbye oil, goodbye linear transmission
of electricity through power lines- all that gone.
Unfortunately it’s someone’s 200 trillion dollar piggybank. The proven
oil and gas and coal reserves are worth north 200 trillion dollars.

This information coming out would completely change geo-political
power more than anything in recorded history. And it would happen in a

Brian O’Leary: I started to examine the breakthroughs solutions and
much to my surprise. These concepts have been proven in hundreds of
laboratories throughout the world, and yet they have not really seen
the light of day.

Foster Gamble: Rather than smashing things together and trying to
control the explosion, these new technologies rely on blending- of
dancing with what nature is… The common denominator of all the “free
energy” devices I have seen is that they mimic, in one way or another,
the torus energy shape.

You don’t have to believe in free energy technology to be concerned
about the repression of ideas and inventions. I found myself thinking,
“What better way to justify our dependence on oil, coal, nuclear, and
other dangerous and dirty technologies than to claim there are no
better, cheaper alternatives?”

It was my beloved wife and creative partner, (Kimberly), who kept
bringing me back to the human implications of my scientific research.

Kimberly: For me as intriguing as the torus and (ET’s) and free energy
are, the most compelling question was, would understanding these
things really help alleviate human suffering in any way, and it turns
out it can.

So much of the pain on the planet has to do with the lack of access to
energy. Can you get food and water, can you get hospital care.

All that has to do with energy access. If there is a fundamental
pattern, which makes sense to me that evolution would be efficient in
that way, and we can align with that pattern, to create new
technologies that will solve all these problems, then it’s worth it to
open my mind to these socially taboo subjects.

Brian O’Leary: If the new technologies were to be set worldwide the
change would be profound, it would affect everybody, it would be
applicable everywhere.

These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that’s
happening in the history of the world.

Foster Gamble: So, given the stakes I decided to ask:
Who is benefiting from suppressing scientific research?
Whose wealth and power are threatened by the access to clean, free
Who has the motive to set up a world where so few have so much and so
many have so little?
As an independent researcher, I followed one of the cardinal rules of
investigative journalism: “If a story doesn’t make sense, follow the

Our being dependant on oil ensures that energy corporations continue
to reap phenomenal profits. I see them committing huge resources to
undermine energy alternatives, to control global reserves, and to
maintain high oil prices. They have enough money and influence to
suppress anything that might threaten their monopoly. So who’s behind
the huge energy corporations?

The (Rockefellers, oil) empire got started in 1870 when (John D.
Rockefeller) founded (Standard Oil) and became America’s first
billionaire. (Standard Oil) has since morphed into (Exxon Mobil) and

And (Rockefellers) control our food as well. They were primarily
responsible for the global shift to large-scale petroleum-based

I remember the so-called “Green Revolution” of the 1960s and 70s. Like
most people, I thought it was a great thing. It was, however, based on
the planting of huge plots with a single crop, using vast amounts of
oil-based fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides.

The “Green Revolution” was the brainchild of the (Rockfeller
Foundation’s Natural Science Division), in partnership with large
agricultural corporations. Petroleum- based agriculture provided vast
new profits for the oil industry, but never lived up to its promises
of ending hunger and promoting health.

The “Green Revolution” did at first increase productivity, because
every bit of soil was being used for immediate production, but its
true cost can now be seen: taxpayers pay billions in subsidies,
biodiversity is destroyed, endangering the health of all of us. As of
2010, approximately 1 in every 7 people worldwide did not have enough
to eat.

Dr. Vandana Shiva: The second was patenting seed and patenting life as
a way of control, declaring seed to be private property, treating the
saving of seed by farmers as a crime, as a theft of intellectual
property. And the third was so-called free trade treaties that would
rob people, farmers, and growers, of their freedom to save seeds.

The design of terminator technology to create sterile seed in order to
impose even more dependence of humanity on a handful of corporations
is the ultimate step in this.
We are through what we are doing with seed, literally, for the first
time, creating a new colonization, which I call the colonization of
the future.

Foster Gamble: So in two crucial areas, Energy and Food, the same
elite banking families and their corporations have taken control, and
the consequences have been devastating.
For me, it was overwhelming at first to discover such a monopoly of
influence, but I knew it was important- like learning you have a
tough, but terrible disease. It helps to understand what’s causing it
and how it operates if the goal is to cure it.

So I continued my investigation. If oil and food are controlled by the
big banking families, where else does their influence show up. As I
followed the money, I began to see this same pattern of control in
just about every area of our lives. And I always found the same
families in charge, either directly through their banks and
corporations or indirectly through their major foundations.

Again, it was the (Rockefellers) who created the (National Education
Association), with help from the (Carnegie Foundation) and later from
the (Ford Foundation).

What the captains of industry wanted from our schools was an obedient
and docile workforce who would be manageable employees and eager

John Gatto: Schools are to establish fixed habits of response to
authority. That’s why it takes twelve years. You’re to respond
reflexively when anyone in position of authority tells you what to do.

Foster Gamble: Like education, Health is yet another area dominated by
big money and corporations.

The (American Medical Association), for example, is largely funded by
the (Rockefellers), who use their funding to influence (AMA) research
and decision-making.

John Robbins: The average M.D., in four years of medical school, takes
one course in nutrition- two and one-half hours in many cases, and the
materials used, the curriculum materials are supplied by the (National
Dairy Council) and the (National Livestock and Meat Board) and other
industries, including the (Sugar Association), with products to sell
that actually undermine our health in the first place.

Deepak Chopra: Unfortunately, the way the system of medicine is set
up, medical education is primarily funded by pharmaceutical companies.

So there’s a motive to make and sell as many drugs as possible.
It’s also a very time effective way of making money for the physician,
for the pharmaceutical companies… for the whole medical establishment,
but it’s really perpetuating the problems it was meant to alleviate.

Woman 1: Side effects may include…

Woman 2: Nausea, dry mouth, and constipation.

Man 1: Decreases in white blood cells which can be serious.

Man 2: Sexual side effects, diarrhea, nausea and sleepiness.

Man 3: Can lead to coma or death.

Foster Gamble: How far will those forces go to make a profit? Would
they actually suppress cures for diseases the way they have suppressed
free energy technology? Sadly, my research has shown me the answer is
yes. One well-documented example is the case of (Dr. Royal Rife).

In the 1920s, (Dr. Rife) invented the most advanced microscope of his
time. He also developed a new technology he called “coordinative
resonance” which was apparently able to destroy cancerous tumors as
well as viruses. In 1934, in clinical trials affiliated with the
University of Southern California. (Rife’s) treatment was tested on 16
terminally ill cancer patients. Within 3 months, they were all
successfully cured.

Soon after, a lab testing (Rife’s) technology was burned down and a
frivolous lawsuit was filed. Through the efforts of (Morris Fishbein),
head of the (Journal of the American Medical Association), (Rife) was
essentially shut down and ruined, his brilliant and promising work all
but forgotten.

Kimberly: It was really hard for me to consider that someone might
actually be suppressing cures. And cancer has run through my family
like a raging river. I found out that it’s all about patents. If a
pharmaceutical company can patent and make money from treatment,
especially one that we have to keep on using, them that’s what we get.
Otherwise we don’t even hear about it.
It’s not just (Rife) who got shut down.
(Rene Caisse) had an old (Indian Ojibway) formula that was effective.
(Harry Hoxey) and (Max Gerson) had natural remedies that worked. But
you know if you go in look them up, the (AMA) makes them sound like
complete quacks. And that’s where following the money has been so
helpful. Because the same powers who control the (AMA) and their
research and funding control the pharmaceuticals. So there is a multi-
trillion dollars functional incentive to suppress cures that can’t be
Knowing that cures exist has taken away the anguish I feel from losing
so many people I love to cancer. It’s given me something really
satisfying to do with the pain. And I believe when we take the love
and devotion that we have for everyone who has died, and who will die,
unnecessarily, and direct it to developing and getting these cures out
to people who need them, we can break this cancer legacy and heal.

Foster Gamble: As difficult as it was for me, I have come to an
inescapable and profoundly disturbing conclusion: I believe that an
elite group of people and the corporations they run have gained
control over not just our energy, food supply, education, and
healthcare, but over virtually every aspect of our lives.
And they do it by controlling the world of finance: not by creating
more value, but by actually controlling the source of money.

When I followed the money, I found that it took me up the levels of a
pyramid. Here we are at the bottom level going about our daily lives.

Above us is government. People who are given a monopoly on force and
use it to tax and control us whether or not we agree. But who controls

At the next level are the corporations. Many would say that it is now
corporations and not nation states that rule the world- they call it

To acquire the world’s resources and control the markets, this
“corporatocracy” must have access to cheap money.
The big corporations get their loans at special rates from the big
banks. It means that those who control the major banks, the moneyed
elite, ultimately control the corporations.

As I’ve followed the money. I’ve learned that almost everything I once
believed about money is simply not true…

David Icke: It’s interesting how few questions we naturally ask about
very every day things, like, when we go into a bank, and we ask for a
loan of say fifty thousand dollars, fifty thousand pounds, what
actually happens? See. Most people live their lives based on a kind of
vague image of what happens.

What actually happens is, you ask for fifty thousand pounds, they type
into your account, fifty thousand pounds. That is all they do. They
don’t mint any coins, they don’t print any money, they don’t move any
precious metal anywhere, they just put fifty thousand pounds into your
account on a computer screen.

>From that moment, you start paying interest on money that has never,
does not, and will never exist.

Foster Gamble: It turns out that banks actually have about nine times
as much money loaned out as they have on reserve in their volts. This
is possible because of what’s referred to as “fractional reserve”
lending. The way it works is that the (Federal Reserve)- or the
Central Bank in any country- is legally allowed to determine the
amount a bank must have on reserve. In the U.S. it’s around 10%.

So if you deposit ten thousand dollars into the bank, the bank sets
aside 10% or 0ne thousand dollars and then loans out the rest of your
money. The way it works is say another person comes into the bank and
asks for a car loan of nine thousand dollars. At this moment, the bank
loans out the 9,000$ from your original deposit. It isn’t there
anymore! The borrower then pays the person selling the car and they go
deposit the money into another bank, which is part of the same central
banking system. This 9,000$ is treated as a new deposit and the
process continues. The money gets re-deposited and re-loaned until the
initial deposit of ten thousand dollars becomes one hundred thousand
dollars. The banking system just “created” ninety thousand dollars by
loaning out your money.

Apparently, it began with the goldsmiths in the 17th  century when
people were trading in gold. Gold was heavy to carry around so people
stored the actual metal in vaults and traded receipts instead. Those
receipts were the first paper money.
Since only a few people would withdraw their gold at any given time,
the vault owners (basically the new bankers) began creating receipts
for more metals than they actually held. They loaned out those
receipts and charged interest on money- gold- that they didn’t really
have. That’s how our so-called “fractional reserve” system was born.

In this system, the bankers get to make up money out of nothing, while
the rest of us work hard to earn it. It has created a modern form of
serfdom where the mass of society is now working to pay off the debt
to the banks.

Under this “fractional reserve” scheme we inevitably become debt
slaves to a ruling class of financial elite, not because they are
better or smarter than anyone else, but because they have rigged the
system to benefit themselves at the expense of most people on the

(Catherine Austin Fits) is an expert on this issue. She was an
(Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) under President
(George Bush, Sr),  and then an advisor to the (Clinton)

Catherine Austin Fits: Let’s set up a game of monopoly, and you want
to buy park place. What I can continually do is just print money, give
myself more money, lower the value of your money by printing more. No
matter how hard working you are, or how successful you are, I can
always end up buying you for free.

Foster Gamble: So how come if you or I make up money, it’s called
counterfeiting, but if the banks do it, it’s “increasing the money
supply”? How did the banks get this power?

This is (Jekyll Island), where, in 1910, representatives from the
(Rockefellers), (Rothschilds), (Morgans) and other private bankers
gathered, secretly, to draft the legislation that would create the
(Federal Reserve).

(Ed Griffen) literally wrote the book on what happened at (Jekyll

Ed Griffen: Central Banks are banking cartels, which have gone into
partnership with the respective governments in the countries where
they operate, and they have been given monopolistic power over the
creation of the nation’s money supply. That is what the politicians
handed to them as a gift, you might say, for the partnership.

Now in return what do the bankers do for the politicians? They promise
to create money out of nothing, now that they have this legal power to
do it anytime the government needs it.

Foster Gamble: And since 2008, we have witnessed the greatest fake
money printing in recorded history.

This financial sleight of hand disguises the costs, hides who’s to
blame, and leaves us as debt slaves working to pay off the bill.

I found it revealing that in the same year the (Federal Reserve) was
created, 1913, the (Internal Reserve Revenue Service) was also
established- and income tax was then instigated so you and I would
have to pay the politician’s debt- plus interest- to the bankers.

Bill Still: The problem is we have a privately owned central bank
system in the United States disguised as a government-owned system. If
you look up in the telephone book here in the Washington , D.C., area,
you look up for (Federal Reserve) in the blue government pages. It is
not there.

It is in the white pages, right next to (Federal Express). It is a
privately owned central bank.

Jim Lehrer: What is the proper relationship. What should be the proper
relationship between the Chairman of the (Federal Reserve) and the
President of the United States?

Alan Greenspan: Well, first of all, the (Federal Reserve) is an
independent agency. And that means that there is no other agency of
Government which can overrule actions that we take.

Catherine Austin Fits: We have a private bank that prints money on
behalf of the treasury. The (Federal Reserve) prints money on a debt-
based system, which creates scarcity. But it puts a group of insiders
in a position of having access to all the data about the economy when
we don’t. So you have a small group of bankers, who understand the
data on how the money works in the economy and it gives them the
ability to print money in a way that the insiders are protected and
everybody else is drained.

Foster Gamble: (Catherine) went on to compare a healthy economy to a
vibrant torus- balanced, freely flowing and energized throughout- in
contrast to what’s happening in our current economy.

Catherine Austin Fits: What you have is a system that is very dynamic,
and it’s trying to optimize. But intertwined in the core of it you
have a tapeworm. The way a tapeworm works in your body is it injects a
chemical into your body that makes you crave what’s good for the
tapeworm, and bad for you. You have a parasite that’s very much
manipulating and engorging itself at the expense of the whole.

Foster Gamble: We live in a tapeworm economy, where the financial
elite are the tapeworm, and they’re feeding on us.
And they don’t like it when people blow their cover.

After (Catherine) began exposing government corruption at the highest
levels, the (FBI) raided her company and seized its assets. She was
dragged through the courts for ten years before being found innocent.

So we’ve got the (Federal Reserve), a privately-owned corporation with
a monopoly on creating money- but with no accountability… backed up by
a government with a monopoly on force.

The country got sold on the (Fed) as an institution that would help
stabilize the economy and remain independent of politics.

But in fact, in close to a century of existence, the (Federal Reserve)
has done just the opposite.

Since they took charge, we’ve been robbed through inflation, and the
purchasing power of the dollar has declined more than 96%.

And the wealth gap makes it clear most of the money is going to a very

Only 16 years after the (Federal Reserve) was in power, America
experienced the Great Depression. My research revealed that before the
big crash in 1929, the elite bankers pulled their money out of the
stock market.
After the crash, they used that money to buy up cheap stocks and
smaller failing banks foe pennies on the dollar.

Among the bankers who consolidated their wealth were the
(Rockefellers), (Rothschilds), (Morgans).

A similar scenario played out in the 2008 financial collapse with the
same bankers benefiting. In the years leading up to the collapse, the
biggest banks including (Bank of America), (Citigroup), and (Chase)
“controlled by the (Rockefellers), (Rothschilds), (Morgans)” were
bundling and trading bad loans that they knew would eventually fail.
It’s like putting rotten oranges in a box and selling them as grade
AAA. The bundlers of the debt knew it was only a matter of time before
someone would open that box and see that the content was worthless,
since they were the ones who packed the boxes in the first place.

When the rotten oranges, what we hear about as unsound loans,
derivatives, and credit default swaps, were finally discovered,
everyone was impacted. People lost their homes, their jobs, their
businesses, and their retirements. Meanwhile, the biggest banks, who
created the problem in the first place- were the one’s who got bailed
out. Why,s that? Why would the (Federal Reserve)  give trillions of
dollars to the banks, even though the majority of Americans were
against bailing them out? And why not help those most in need, rather
than the perpetrators of the financial collapse?

My research led me to believe that the same people who created the
(Federal Reserve)- the (Rockefellers), (Rothschilds), (Morgans)- still
control it and they used this scheme to bail themselves out at our

Senator Dick Durbin: The banks are still the most powerful lobby on
Capitol Hill, and they, frankly, own the place.

Foster Gamble:  I’m convinced that the near collapse of the economy in
2008 resulted from an orchestrated ”pump and dump” scheme designed and
executed by the big bankers to consolidate wealth and power.

(David Icke) explains how he sees the (Federal Reserve) rigging the so-
called “business” cycles:

David Icke: Stage one, is like throwing a fishing line out. Stage one:
you put lots of money- units of exchange- into circulation. You do
this by pushing interest rates down, by making lots of loans. This is
the part of the cycle we call a boom.

Because there’re lots of units of exchange in circulation, there’re
lots of money changing hands, that generates lots of economic
activity. That generates jobs and as more money is spent, there is
more demand, so companies take out more loans, of fresh air money, to
increase their production.
People get confident in their everyday lives. “Hey, you know, I work
foe this company they’ve got lots of orders, it’s really going great,
my job’s safe. I tell you what: we’re going to have a bigger house.”

Then, they start to change it. What they do is they pull the fishing
line in. They push interest rates up.

Now fewer people are taking out loans, and they make the criteria for
having a loan from the bank stronger anyway. And also, as interest
rates have gone up, a larger part of people’s income is going to pay
back the extra interest, and not being circulated in buying things.
Suddenly, there is nothing like as much money in circulation, and
therefore, fewer things are being bought. Companies start to go down
in terms of their profits, they start to shed jobs, and they start to
go out of business. People lose their jobs. They can’t pay the
mortgage anymore of the big house they took out in the good times. Now
what the banks are doing is starting to reel the fishing line in,
because, as they go bankrupt- companies and individuals- the banks get
the real wealth, the property, the land, the resources, that they had
signed to them, for lending merely figures on the screen.
Now this economic cycle of fishing line out, fishing line back, lots
of units in circulation, pull them up, has been going on for
And what it’s done it’s stolen, and accumulated, the real wealth of
the world, in the hands of the few.

Foster Gamble: At the international level, central bankers use the
(World Bank) and the (International Monetary Fund) to make more money
while exploiting the resources of countries they lend to- bankrupting
them in the process.
The central bank of central banks is the (Rothschild-created Bank for
International Settlements).
The elite are positioning themselves to control access to virtually
everything we need to survive.

David Icke: No matter where you go in the world, the money is
controlled by the banking system. They decide if people eat or if they
don’t eat. Who’s a billionaire and who lives on less than a dollar a

He who controls the money controls the world. And a very few control
the money.

Foster Gamble: At this point, my view of the world had been turned
upside down. I was struggling with the realization that the failure
and suffering of so many is actually success and fulfillment for the
few- the elite central bankers who have fooled the world into letting
them create money. They already have vast fortunes- so what is their
endgame? What is their ultimate agenda?

I kept running across compelling evidence and credible experts saying
that the secret agenda of the banking elite is nothing less than total
global domination. At first, I resisted the idea. But I was committed
to finding out what was keeping us from thriving, no matter where it
might lead.

One night, I woke up at 3 am wit the burning question: if this small
group wanted to dominate the entire world, what would they need to
control to accomplish it? I jumped out of bed and started making a

                         To be continued….

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