You are sure you have enabled these options in your kernel config?


On Friday, December 13, 2013 2:46:04 AM UTC-8, Bruno De Paoli wrote:
> Hi,
> I've ported a third-party RIL driver to our platform which is running 
> Gingerbread. The GSM functionality appears to be basically working in that 
> the device registers with the network but, as far as I can see, the data 
> connection is not being setup. My understanding is that PPP does not start 
> automatically but only on certain events (such as an attempt to start 
> browsing). However when I start the browser it does not connect and I do 
> not see any obvious attempts to start the connection and no error events 
> when I do logcat -b radio.
> I've included here what I believe to be the relevant part from the init.rc 
> script.  init.gprs-pppd is marked as disabled and I think this is correct 
> because it is not started automatically but is started by another event.
> # Prepare  RIL repository
> service rril-repo /system/bin/
>     user root
>     group radio
>     oneshot
> # Load RIL 
> service ril-daemon /system/bin/rild -l /system/lib/ -- 
> -a /dev/ttyACM0 -n /dev/ttyACM1
>    socket rild stream 660 root radio
>    socket rild-debug stream 660 radio system
>    user root
>    group radio cache inet misc audio
> service pppd_gprs /system/bin/init.gprs-pppd
>    user root radio
>    group radio cache inet misc
>    disabled
>    oneshot
> service pppd_term /system/bin/stop_pppd 15
>    disabled
>    oneshot
> service pppd_kill /system/bin/stop_pppd 9
>    disabled
>    oneshot
> Can anyone explain how this is supposed to work and suggest where I might 
> look for the problem. What starts the data session and what/where can I 
> look to see why it is not starting. I've had a look around some of the 
> forums but could not find any obvious answers. I'm relatively new to 
> Android so your help would be appreciated. 
> Thanks,
> Bruno


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