I have the following in the device.mk file for the build.

PRODUCT_TYPE := jartester

# kernel

$(LOCAL_PATH)/boot/battery.bmp:boot/battery.bmp \

ifeq ($(PRODUCT_TYPE),jartester)

The issue is that when I monitor the out directory, the file never changes 
from the current landscape logo the portrait version. If I manually delete 
the file, it works. It seems to be related to the fact that if a file 
already exists, it is not updated.

Is there a way to force the copy to always copy the files? I have a number 
of files like this that need to be selected based on the build and I don't 
want to have to do a clean and rebuild each time. I could of course just 
run a script file to delete them prior to building but I am hoping there is 
another way to force the output.

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