Trying to bring up a new linux kernel on this hardware... and I've noticed 
that I get the "ServiceManager exited 4 times in 4 minutes" error.

For troubleshooting the kernel itself (which I dont htink is the problem 
here) I turned on earlyprintk support and kernel debugging.

For troubleshooting android, I set loglevel to 8 in init.rc in the init 

My question is, is there any way to get more verbose? The device gets into 
a reboot loop so I cant exactly log in and start checking last_kmsg etc. 
I'm aware that people frequently advise others to make sure the kernel 
android binder stuff is built into the kernel (which it should be in this 
case). I'm at a loss atm. I cant identify which exact process is tanking, 
so that I can then narrow down my search.

Thanks in advance for any advice. Below is the serial out log.

init: processing action 0x2c2c8 (queue_propety_triggers)
init: command 'queue_propety_triggers' r=0
init: processing action 0x2aa18 (
init: starting 'console'
init: command 'start' r=0
init: processing action 0x2ab70 (property:persist.service.adb.enable=1)
init: starting 'adbd'
init: command 'start' r=0
init: waitpid returned pid 2066, status = 0000000b
init: process 'console', pid 2066 exited
init: process 'console' killing any children in process group
init: starting 'servicemanager'
init: starting 'vold'
init: starting 'debuggerd'
init: starting 'zygote'
init: Created socket '/dev/socket/vold' with mode '660', user '0', group 
init: Created socket '/dev/socket/zygote' with mode '666', user '0', group 
init: starting 'dbus'
init: starting 'installd'
init: Created socket '/dev/socket/dbus' with mode '660', user '1002', group 
init: starting 'keystore'
init: Created socket '/dev/socket/installd' with mode '600', user '1000', 
group '1000'
init: waitpid returned pid 2070, status = 0000000b
init: process 'servicemanager', pid 2070 exited
init: process 'servicemanager' killing any children in process group
init: Created socket '/dev/socket/keystore' with mode '666', user '0', 
group '0'
init: service 'zygote' is being killed
init: starting 'zygote'
init: Created socket '/dev/socket/zygote' with mode '666', user '0', group 
init: starting 'media'
init: waitpid returned pid 2071, status = 0000000b
init: process 'vold', pid 2071 exited
init: process 'vold' killing any children in process group
init: waitpid returned pid 2072, status = 0000000b
init: process 'debuggerd', pid 2072 exited
init: process 'debuggerd' killing any children in process group
init: waitpid returned pid 2073, status = 0000000b
init: untracked pid 2073 exited
init: waitpid returned pid 2074, status = 0000000b
init: process 'dbus', pid 2074 exited
init: process 'dbus' killing any children in process group
init: waitpid returned pid 2075, status = 0000000b
init: process 'installd', pid 2075 exited
init: process 'installd' killing any children in process group
init: waitpid returned pid 2076, status = 0000000b
init: process 'keystore', pid 2076 exited
init: process 'keystore' killing any children in process group
init: waitpid returned pid 2077, status = 0000000b
init: process 'zygote', pid 2077 exited
init: process 'zygote' killing any children in process group
request_suspend_state: on (0->0) at 9369629617 (1970-01-01 
00:00:38.695763989 UTC)


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