
i have a build of Froyo for my dev board (Urbetter with s5cp100), i
had to tune the camera & audio settings to get it build.

Kernel & Android start but zygote & media please failed ever before
starting the boot animation. I past below a part of the log:

init: starting 'console'
init: starting 'logcat'
init: starting 'servicemanager'
init: starting 'vold'
init: starting 'debuggerd'
init: starting 'ril-daemon'
init: Created socket '/dev/socket/vold' with mode '660', user '0',
group '1009'
init: starting 'zygote'
init: starting 'media'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/playmp3', disabling 'bootsound'
init: Created socket '/dev/socket/rild-debug' with mode '660', user
'1001', group '1000'
init: Created socket '/dev/socket/rild' with mode '660', user '0',
group '1001'
init: Created socket '/dev/socket/zygote' with mode '666', user '0',
group '0'
init: starting 'installd'
init: cannot find '/system/etc/install-recovery.sh', disabling
usb 1-1: not running atp sed; connect to a high speed hub
init: Created socket '/dev/socket/installd' with mode '600', user
'1000', group '1000'
usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
init: command 'class_start' r=0
init: processing action 0x2af20
hub 1-1:1.0: USB hub found
hub 1-1:1.0: 4 ports detected
init: starting 'adbd'
init: command 'start' r=0
I/DEBUG   ( 1855): debuggerd: Jan 21 2011 18:34:44
warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
I/Vold    ( 1854): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
E/Vold    ( 1854): Error reading configuration (No such file or
directory)... continuing anyways
W/Vold    ( 1854): No UMS switch available
/system/busybox/bin/ash: can't access tty; job control turned off
/ # init: waitpid returned pid 1858, status = 0000ff00
**init: process 'zygote', pid 1858 exited
init: process 'zygote' killing any children in process group
init: service 'media' is being killed
init: starting 'media'
init: waitpid returned pid 1859, status = 0000000f
init: untracked pid 1859 exited
init: waitpid returned pid 1903, status = 0000ff00
init: process 'media', pid 1903 exited
init: process 'media' killing any children in process group
init: starting 'zygote'
init: Created socket '/dev/socket/zygote' with mode '666', user '0',
group '0'
init: waitpid returned pid 1905, status = 0000ff00
init: process 'zygote', pid 1905 exited
init: process 'zygote' killing any children in process group
init: starting 'media'
init: waitpid returned pid 1906, status = 0000ff00
init: process 'media', pid 1906 exited
init: process 'media' killing any children in process group**

It looks like zygote & mediaplayer are killed/restarted in a loop. I
have no idea why zygote is failing.

I also don't get any log of zygote or mediapalyer although i have
activated logcat at the beginning of init.rc :(     can somebody
help ?


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