On 11月17日, 下午10時17分, Neeraj Agrawal wrote:
> Was able to call native build system by invoking below line from a
> Android.mk (as passing paths for CC, AS, AR, RANLIB and LD)
> $(shell cd external//build && $(MAKE))
The better way:
+ $(MAKE) -C external//build
-C changes the build dir to the spe
Thanks Chih-Wei
Was able to call native build system by invoking below line from a
Android.mk (as passing paths for CC, AS, AR, RANLIB and LD)
$(shell cd external//build && $(MAKE))
At the end of build (during linking) following error is reported:-
This is not impossible, but depends on your knowledge about GNU make
and Android build system.
For example, see how Android-x86 integrated the kernel making
with the Android build system: